February 19, 2023

The Gospel is for you

Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Isaiah 53:3-10
Service Type:


Coming towards the end of 1 Corinthians
Paul has addressed all sorts of difficult areas in this letter


Paul pleads with them to have one mind/heart and be united in Christ
Paul focuses on the cross of Jesus Christ

Gross immorality
Litigation of believers
Singleness and marriage
Conscience issues
Abuse of the Lord’s supper

Paul was seeking to deal with the issues within this church
In Chapter 15 Paul addresses a doctrinal error

Some are saying there is no resurrection from the dead

A fundamental issue

They were saying there would be no bodily resurrection
They had taken hold of Greek thought

He begins addressing the issue by positively declaring the truth

He starts with the gospel of Jesus Christ
He affirms there were many eye witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus
He does not first point out what is wrong
The New Testament preaches truth

Looking at v1-11

To think about the concept of preaching the gospel to the church

Not just to the unconverted

v1 – Declaring the gospel to the whole church

It was preached to you
You believed the gospel
You stand in this grace

The Gospel for believers

Why therefore do we need the gospel as believers?

Although forgiven at the cross, we sin and fail each day

We need fresh repentance of our sins
There is amazing love from God for the sinner

We are a Christian in progress (not the finished article)

It is the gospel of God that is the power of our salvation

We have been saved, but we are being saved

v2 – are you holding fast to the gospel?
If you go away from the gospel
1 Cor 1:18 – the gospel "is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God"

The gospel is a necessity

The Lord’s supper is a necessity – it is a proclamation of the gospel

What about the person who says we don’t need this simple message?

Something in wrong in the person – they have lost joy
Something wrong in the preacher – they do not know the power of Christ

What about the person who says the gospel is simple and we need deeper teaching?

The work of the Holy Spirit is not to lead people away from the cross but closer to the cross

Example of Mair Griffiths and the song ‘near the cross’

The way of love is more excellent that all the spiritual gifts – the greatest love is found at the cros
Phil 3:10-11 – Paul wanted to know Christ in resurrection power
Gal 6:14 – Paul only boasted in the cross of Christ
1 Cor 2:2 – Sometimes churches go astray, but the cross needs to be at the centre of all things
Thus Paul preached the gospel – v1, 11

Are you clear on the reality of the gospel?

If the facts of the gospel are not true, our preaching and faith is empty – v13-15

You cannot discount parts of the gospel
You either believe the Bible or you don’t
The gospel is based on historical reality

Proofs of the resurrection:

Eye witness accounts

Jesus was seen by Peter (Cephas) – v5
Jesus was seen by the twelve apostles (including doubting Thomas) – v5
Jesus was seen by 500 brothers at once – v6
Jesus was seen by James and all the other apostles – v7
Jesus was then seen by Paul – v8
Jesus was a historical person

There was a real death on the cross
There was a real resurrection

The Scriptures

Paul makes it clear what he is saying is according to the Scriptures – v3
His death:

Isa 53:3-10

His resurrection:

He rose again on the third day – Jonah 1:17
Psalm 16:10

Are you clear on the message of the gospel?

What God has done for you – grace

Not about what you have done for God or for others
There is nothing we could do – God has done it all
Phil 3:4-9

Paul was the ‘best’ he could be
He realised these were ‘rubbish’ compared to Jesus

Are you clear that Christ died to take our sin?
Are you clear that Christ has clothed us in His righteousness?
Are you clear that we are totally forgiven?
v9 – God’s grace was sufficient for Paul’s salvation

A message of transformation

Paul goes from persecuting to the church to being the most persecuted person in the church

Closing Remarks

Believe the gospel of Christ today
Jesus receives sinners
Trust in the work of Jesus Christ