February 19, 2023

The God of Jacob

Passage: Psalm 46
Service Type:


In the final sermon [on this series] to tie everything together
A title for God – The God of Jacob

Not the God of ‘others’ but the God of Jacob

Jacob was a cheat and a deceiver

What does the title mean?

To consider the God of Jacob – ‘then and now’

In a time of turbulence we have safety and refuge in God

The God of election

God chose Jacob
Paul speaks about election using Jacob as the prime example (Romans)

One twin was chosen
God had told Rebekah the older would serve the younger
This was unheard of in the culture of the time
Reading Romans 9:11-13

How do you understand these things?

Do you see this as God being unfair or not giving people a choice?
Do you accept this?
Who are we to question the living God?

We are all born sinners

None of us merit the favour of God

None of us deserve to be loved by God
We all break God’s commands
We are all responsible for our sin

Justice must be served

But if God says that I will acquit some – is this not a mercy or a grace?

Do we really have free will?

If we have a bias in our heart to sin

What if God has not chosen me?

God has promised that all who call on His name will be saved

The God of all grace

If there was ever an example of dishonesty, lying and deception – it is Jacob

Deceiver was his name
Deception was his nature

It was only in middle age that he overcame, when God changed his name to Israel
Do you feel that you are like Jacob?

There is grace if you come confessing your sin
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners

1 Cor 1:26-29

God chooses weak and foolish sinners
He lavishes grace upon them

The God of all sovereignty

Ps 46 – when there is trouble all around, we can trust in God
v1-2: The God of Jacob is our refuge

Was Jacob’s life not turbulent?

He might have wondered where God was

Yet God showed He was in control of all things

Despite the various problems and family situations – examples

God is working out His purposes in the midst of this turbulence and calamity

God showed His sovereignty at every point – examples

The God who is with us (who was with Jacob)

God appeared to Jacob when he fled from Esau

God was with Jacob wherever he went
God exceedingly prospered Jacob
God showed him a wife (Rachel)
God sends two companies of angels when he is due to meet Esau
God appeared in a dream and a vision

Closing Remarks

God is with us – as He was with Jacob at every point

He will never leave or forsake us
We are a temple of the Holy Spirit
The God of Jacob is our refuge

Recap of earlier points

The God of Election
The God of all grace
The God of all sovereignty
The God who is with us

The God who transforms lives

God transformed Jacob

He matured in his later years
He became a man of integrity
He became obedient
Jacob blesses Pharaoh and the sons of Joseph
He lived by faith

God transforms His people

He is the potter and we are the clay
We should be conformed to Jesus Christ