February 26, 2023

The New Jerusalem

Passage: Revelation 21:1-22:5
Service Type:

The Day of Judgement is over

A new heaven and a new earth

The scene is set for John’s seventh and final vision

The Book of Revelation was written for comfort
It contains wonderful truth for us

Everything in Revelation is symbolic

The number 7 speaks of perfection

There was no more sea – symbolic (v1)

The sea represents chaos by the forces of evil against the lamb of God
The land was created out of the waters
The Israelites were hopeless sailors
A reversal of God’s rule is no longer threatened – it is all ‘dry land’

A glorious picture of the New Jerusalem (v2-5)

The Old Jerusalem was supposed to foreshadow God and His people

It was destroyed as it was not it ought to be

The New Jerusalem is a portrayal of the church of Jesus Christ
Is it a city or a bride?

It looks different from different facets
Blended metaphors of a city and a bride
Awe and intimacy

There is no more sin – so God can once again descend and dwell with the people

The city descended from the clouds (v9-10)

John’s first and overwhelming impression is of dazzling brightness (v11)

Like previous Jewels
The New Jerusalem radiates the glory of God (v23)

It dazzles because of the light emanating from the Holy city – from Christ
God is very present with His people because sin is done away

The shape and dimension of the city

A perfect cube (v15-16)

Hugely symbolic
The ‘Holy of Holies’ was a cube – both in the earlier Tent of Meeting and the later Temple

This is where God presenced Himself amongst His people in the Old Testament
He presenced Himself amongst His people in the New Testament through Jesus Christ

A very large cube – almost too large to measure

Features of the New Jerusalem

Ezekiel 47-48 – chapters give more details
Walls, gate and foundations

Was incredibly high and thick
144 – 12 tribes x 12 apostles
A wall for protection?

A vision of the future for the benefit of the present
A vision given to those in Asia Minor where the Church was under attack
Safety in the city

A wall separates

That which is inside from that which is outside
We must be separated from the world outside

The walls represent the preservation and the perseverance of the saints


On the gates were written the 12 tribes of Israel (v12)
Each gate was a pearl (v21) – the ‘pearly gates’
The gates were not to be shut (v25)

Foundations (v14)

On the foundations were written the 12 apostles
The New Testament church is present
We have a spiritual genealogy – that stems back to the apostles (and ultimately to the Lord Jesus Christ)
Each of these apostles are a jewel
It is not the 12 tribes that are the foundation – the Church of Jesus Christ is built on the foundation of the apostles with Christ as the cornerstone Eph 2:20

The inside of the city (22:1-5)

Eden restored
The throne of God and the Lamb

Referenced twice in v1 & v3
Will descend from heaven to earth
Ezekiel 48:35 – "The Lord is there"
In the heart of the city is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ
Our ultimate privilege will be to see Christ
Ps 17:15

The river of the water of life

Necessary for our salvation (21:6)
We need to be saved now – to enjoy this in the future

The tree of life

From which Adam and Eve were banished …

… but now the angels are ushering people in

Producing fruit
Healing the nations
The gospel of Christ equalises us all
Only blesses remain
Christians are given the right to the tree of life – 22:14

This vision was given to excite us and kindle our hope

To allow us to live in a world of pain and sin
We are to endure

Come to Christ – 22:17

Respond to His invitation