Old Llantrisant Hill
- Moving away from Romans (chapter 9-11) and coming back to the Gospels
- The Gospels speak of Jesus, His life, miracles, teaching, death and resurrection
- Our aim as a gospel church is to focus on Jesus
- When Christ is the centre the people of God are lifted up
- The Gospel of John is very different to the Gospel of Matthew, Mark and Luke
- Different teaching
- Different passages included to the other gospels
- John is a humble person - he never refers to himself directly (only quietly)
- cf v40 - 41
- Undoubtedly one of the two disciples was John
- Looking at 5 men who came to know the Lord Jesus
- Two brothers: Andrew and Simon
- Two friends: Philip and Nathaniel
- One unnamed [John]
- The first members of the New Testament Church
- The first words recorded of Jesus' ministry
- An ordinary account with extra-ordinary results
- Think of what these men became
- These men are to be instrumental in the growth of the New Testament church
- Overview:
- Who were they?
- How did they meet Jesus?
- What was the effect upon their lives?
Who were they?
- They were not educated men or religious leaders or rich people
- They were very ordinary people
- Two of them (Andrew and Simon) were fishermen
- Three of them were from Bethsaida (Andrew, Simon and Philip)
- Andrew was a very timid person
- We hear so little about his brother Simon Peter
- We hear so little about Andrew
- He seems to be a friend of Philip - cf John 12
- Seems content to be in the background
- A facilitator of others
- Simon Peter
- Headstrong, very impulsive, sometimes stubborn
- A fisherman
- Philip
- We don't hear much about him
- Is a questioner - cf John 6 & 14
- Nathanael
- From Cana in Galilee
- A man in whom there is no deceit, no guile - he 'called a spade a spade'
- They were different people
- They had different temperaments
- They were not special people
- 1 Cor 1:26 - "For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called."
- This should be an encouragement to all of us and especially those who are not yet a Christian
How did they meet Jesus?
Andrew and John
- Andrew and John were disciples of John the Baptist
- John preached a message of repentance
- They had heard and listened to John's earlier message (v29)
- They heard his second message (v36)
- They are affected by this message and begin to follow Jesus Christ
- Jesus turned to Andrew and John and asked "What do you seek?" (v38a)
- The first recorded words of Jesus' ministry
- Probes their motives
- It is a question that needs to come to each of us
- Have you asked these questions?
- Their reply seems to reflect Jesus' question: "Rabbi, where are You staying?" (v38b)
- They are saying that they need to be with Jesus
- Jesus counter reply: "Come and see" (v39)
- Shows His concern for the two
- They remained with Him for a long time
- 4pm - Hebrew time, 10am - Roman time
- They are absolutely sure that they "have found the Messiah" (v41)
- Came first through the preacher
- Then have a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus
- Doesn't come through the preacher (though He may have heard his preaching)
- He comes through the personal witness of his brother
- Example of Park Church in Merthyr
- Andrew brings Simon to Jesus (v42)
- Simon comes
- Jesus speaks to Simon - He knew who he was and who he would be (Cephas - the Rock/Stone)
- What about you and me?
- Have we lost that enthusiasm for Jesus?
- No preacher or personal witness
- Jesus comes direct to Philip
- Jesus took the initiative
- Jesus went after the lost sheep
- Jesus says "Follow me" (v43)
- Not a long sermon
- Great power in these words
- God was at work in Philip's life
- Found by Philip
- A bible student
- "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" (v46a)
- Some prejudice in his heart
- Philip does not argue - he simply gives an invite "Come and see" (v46b)
- Jesus said: 'A true Israelite'
- Different to the Pharisees and Scribes
- Not despising or disparaging - speak what he really sees
- Nathanael asked how Jesus knew him (v48a)
- Jesus had seen him under the fig tree (v48b)
- Nathanael was astounded at this
- "Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!" (v49)
- We remember Simon Peter's confession
- We sometimes forget that one of the disciples saw exactly who He was early on
- He came through personal testimony and the the Lord spoke to him
How do people meet Jesus today?
- Faith comes through preaching
- We may be the preacher - us in personal witness, explaining the Bible
- Sometimes God directly calls people
- God uses people to reach others
What was the effect upon their lives?
- Andrew:
- Has drawn to love and serve the Saviour
- He was a background person - a facilitator
- He found the little boy with the 2 loaves and fish
- He (and Philip) bring the Greeks to hear Jesus
- He was a servant
- Simon Peter:
- From impulsive to someone who was strong, a rock, a pioneer
- God did a tremendous work in him
- He became a pillar in the early church
- A central figure in the New Testament Church
- Philip:
- A loyal servant of the Lord Jesus
- Questions reflect weakness of faith - this is an encouragement to us since Christ never despised Philip
- Nathanael:
- We don't know much about him - not told much else about him
- Maybe he became like John the Apostle - self-effacing, humble
What about you and I?
- Have you come to Jesus?
- Religion is no good - you need a personal encounter with Him
- Repent of your sin and trust in Him alone