God's marvelous protection and provision for the two spies of Jericho
God saved the pagan prostitute
This must have caused must talk among the Jews
Coming to Chapter 3
Joshua gets up very early in the morning - x3 references
Prompt obedience
The River Jordan (in full flood) was a physical barrier to cross over
This was a pivotal moment for this people
To move from a place of desolation into a place of blessing
The river represented a borderline / a crossing point
We face pivotal moments in our life
At such times we need to have our eyes on God
This is the focus of the chapter
The Ark of the Covenant is mentioned x15 in 17 verses
They are to keep they eyes upon the The Ark of the Covenant
It is a reminder to us to keep our eyes on the Lord
A Call to Follow
A Call to Sanctification
A Call to Step out in Faith
A Call to Follow
The officers command the people to follow the ark (v3-4)
There was to be space behind the Ark to allow everyone to see it
There was to be space behind the Ark because of the Holiness of God
It was the priests and Levites carrying the Ark
It wasn't a matter of military might but God leading into victory
It was a symbolic place where God spoke from
It was a symbol of God's rule
It was a place of atonement
It was a symbol of God's covenant with His people
The Ark of the Covenant is now gone
It prefigured the person of the Lord Jesus
He rules by His word
He is the presence and image of God
He is the Light of the World
He is the one we go to for atonement
He died on the cross to save us
We are to be followers of Jesus
How many times did Jesus say in His ministry "Follow me"
Not to follow a religion, code of conduct, a guru or philosophical teaching
Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith
Are you following Jesus?
Joshua is a type of Jesus Christ
God was going to exalt His servant, v7 and 4:14
Jesus Christ was exalted to the right hand of the Father
1:18 - the people pledged allegiance to Joshua, we are to pledge allegiance to Jesus
We are called to follow Jesus Christ
Are you following Jesus?
A Call to Sanctification
Before God opens up the Jordan river you must sanctify yourself (v5)
We don't know exactly what this means
Remember the situation at Mount Sinai - wash their clothes and abstain from sexual relations
Now is a time to look to God and be serious
If as a church we are to know greater blessings, we must be a consecrated people
We must perfect holiness in fear
What about you and I?
Do we conform ourselves to this world:
What do we watch on TV, phones, computers
Our language
Any filthiness in our minds?
Letting our standards down
Sometimes we need to let go of innocent pleasures
1 Cor 12:1-2 - "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
We must be renewed by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit
A clear call to Sanctification and consecration
A Call to Step out in Faith
Stepping out in a new way (v4)
You do not know what lies ahead but God does
He has prepared the way for us
v10 - God is with us
King George 6th - Quote
Joshua is saying a similar thing
No longer a firer pillar to lead you - but going into a new phase
Trust God
What about us?
Do we trust Him when we need to step out in faith?
God has given us many promises in His word
Every time we face temptation He will make the way of escape (1 Cor 10:13-14)
God will build His Church worldwide
God wants us to step out in full faith and trust in Him
The River Jordan was in full flood - a raging torrent
They had to put their feet on the water before it would part
As they did this the waters piled up (v16)
The people of God obeyed God's word and stepped out in faith
What about you and I?
There are times when God calls us to take steps
We must trust in Him and ask Him for strength
This passage also speaks about coming out of a place of sin and failure and moving into a place of blessing
The Hebrew word crossing over
This is significant
Coming into a place of rest of settlement
This passages speaks to those who have not yet stepped out in faith to become a Christian