Old Llantrisant Hill
- v20-21
- Ladder prayer:
- Rung 1: Strengthened by the Holy Spirit in the inner man
- Rung 2: Rooted and grounded in the love of Christ
- Rung 4: Comprehend the love of Christ
- Rung 4: To be filled with all the fullness of God
- Rung 5: Doxology
- This prayer is a sublime prayer
- Have we ever prayed a prayer like this?
- Paul believes what he is saying - he doesn't doubt God's power or ability
- Paul starts with himself - he bows his knees to God (v14)
- Paul prays for 'you' others (v16)
- Paul prays for 'us' (v20)
- Paul praises God (v20-21)
- Prayer should never just be about ourselves
- We should pray for God's people
- We should pray for God's glory
- Worship, petition and praise
- Our prayers should bring adoration and glory to God
- We exist to glorify God
- This prayer is inspired by the Holy Spirit
- The Holy Spirit still inspires people to pray today
- Not in the same way that Paul was divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit to write down this prayer [as part of Scripture]
- We are called to pray in the Spirit
- Sometimes we feel our prayers are barren
- Is there unconfessed sin? Are we living for self?
- There are other times when the Spirit is really enabling us to lay hold of God
What is He able to do?
- He has done many things that people thought were impossible (2:14)
- The uniting of Jew and Gentile in one body
- The Church of Jesus Christ is always international and made up of lots of different people
- The church as a dwelling place of God by the Holy Spirit (2:22)
- We are a Holy Temple (2:21)
- Do we really know and perceive this?
- God is in the midst of His people
- What value do we place upon the Church of Jesus Christ
- That Christ could dwell in our hearts by faith
- Felt and known amongst the Ephesian people
- That Christ would be formed and dwell in them in a special way
- That Christ would establish their lives in love
- Paul believed that all this was possible because He had the ability to do this
- God can:
- Do what we ask
- Do what we think
- Do what is beyond our ability to think
- Do what is abundantly beyond this
- Do what is exceedingly abundantly beyond this
- God can:
- Change our society (UK)
- Change Portugal and Spain
- Change the Middle East
- Change North Korea
- Change the fate of 32 million homeless Kurds
- Example of Jim Elliot
- We must not limit God
- Abraham did not understand God's ways
- We must not say 'not this way' like Simon Peter
- Save our family and friends
- Paul's statement of faith is not a blank check
- God has infinite resources
- We must ask in faith in accordance with God's will
How is He able to do these things?
- According to the power that works in us (v20b)
- God works through His church and people
- The same power that raised Christ from the dead (1:19-20)
- Remember when we pray that the power of the Holy Spirit is working in us
- We cannot be strengthened by our works but only by the power of the Holy Spirit
- Power to obey the word of God
- Power to understand the dimensions of Christ's love
- Beyond what we can ask or think - is glory/heaven
- We have some glimpses of what heaven will be like
- It is a glorious place
- We will be worshipping God
- Only a fraction has been told us
- One day we will be like Christ in the glory - it will be through the power of God
- We must ask in faith
Why does He do these things?
- That He would have all the glory (v21)
- God would have glory in the church
- God is glorified in Jesus and Jesus is glorified in the church
- Jesus is honoured as God's people love Him and serve Him
- This glory is by Christ Jesus
- We cannot do this ourselves
- We must abide in God
- Do we ever despair of the Church?
- Do we say that Christ and the Holy Spirit dwell in the Church?
- That this glory would be in all generations
- Not just for the time of the Apostles
- We must pray this same prayer
- We must pray great things for God and dream big dreams
- This prayer points us to glory
- It is only when Christ returns that we will be presented as the spotless bride
- We look forward to that day when Christ will come again and take us to Himself