Old Llantrisant Hill
- v9-11
- Last week we thought of the theology of Christmas
- Tonight: The Exaltation of Christ
- A wonderful and important truth
- Every knee will bow - some with great love and joy, others with great fear and trepidation
- He is the Lord of Lords
- His name is above every name
- We live in uncertain times
- Examples
- We know the world is not ultimately governed by men
- We believe that Christ is on His throne and is orchestrating all things
- The Exaltation of Christ
- A tremendous contrast between last weeks verses (5-8) and these verses (9-11)
- One who humbled Himself vs one whom God exalts
- One who was a bondservant vs one who is a King
- Overview:
- The Resurrection
- The Ascension
- The Coronation
- The Reign in Heaven
The Resurrection
- Starting in eternity and returning to eternity
- He was brought low but raised on the third day
- Psalm 16
- He had a glorified body
- He was the first one to enter heaven
- He was the first fruits
- The doctrine of the Resurrection is an essential tenant of Christianity
- God raises Jesus up as the victor
- His resurrection paves the way for all our resurrections
- Psalm 2
- God will glorify the name of His Son
- We must make much of the cross - it was Paul's central message
- We must also make much of the resurrection
The Ascension
- The doctrine of the Ascension
- Jesus bodily ascended into heaven 40 days after the resurrection
- He went bodily and will return bodily
- He ascended above all principalities, powers and dominions
- He went to the right hand of God
- He went to sit on His throne
- The name of Jesus is the greatest name of all
- Whom do you serve?
- We serve Jesus the man - but not just the man
- We serve the King man
The Coronation
- We see Jesus crowned with glory and honour
- He is Lord and Christ
- He has all authority on heaven and earth
- He is not just standing at the right hand of God but sitting down at the right hand of the Father
- All His work is complete
- He is victorious
- He sits down
- His throne is forever and ever
- He is the eternally blessed God
- Our response should be worship, praise, adoration and obedience
The Reign in Heaven
- He is building the Church, He is the head of the Church
- He is praying for His people
- His Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom - Dan 7:14
- We are to see the reign of Christ in this world through His people
- If you get discouraged about this world - look to Jesus
- If we humble ourselves under God, then Christ will lift us up
- Jesus Christ was humbled but God raised Him up
- v10-11
- Every knee will one day bow to Jesus Christ - both believer and unbeliever
- Not universal salvation
- Some will bow gladly, others will bow in great fear, those of the demonic realm with bow
- This will happen when Jesus Christ comes again
- How foolish not to believe in and bow the knee to Jesus Christ
- The gospel brings unity and is the answer to every problem
- The personal ambition of Jesus is to glorify His Father
- This should be our personal ambition also