Prayer and Faith
- Starting a new series in Luke
- The angel spoke to Zacharias
- The appearance of Angels in the bible is a rare event
- No angel sent for 500 years
- The last time was to Daniel
- The angel gave Daniel some strange numbers - these numbers are coming true
- The angel speaks to Zacharias
- Christmas is a wonderful time
- The birth narrative fills us with joy
- Heaven is invading earth
- The Angel Gabriel comes to Zacharias, then Mary; God speaks to Joseph in a dream, Angels speak to the shepherds and sing 'Glory to God'
- Some many angels because the greatest news is about to come true
The Background
- The first appearance of an angel after 500 years of silence
- Setting the scene - v5-7
- Zacharias is one of 18'000 priests and there were 24 divisions
- Each division ministered in the temple for 2 weeks
- One priest had a once in a lifetime opportunity to enter the Holy place and offer incense
- Zacharias and Elizabeth worshiped and were privileged to serve God
- With privilege comes responsibility
- Their standing with God was based not on their privileges but whether they knew God
- We are privileged to attend church - do we know God?
- Zacharias and Elizabeth were righteous and blameless before God - v6
- Not just outwardly - their sins had been forgiven
- This was a rare thing in these times
- An imputed and an imparted righteousness
- 1 John 3:7
- They would have stood out in their community
- Have you trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ? Are you walking with God?
- Their godliness did not mean that all was smooth for them and they did not have any trials
- This is a false teaching
- They had a thorn in their flesh - Elizabeth was barren
- In Jewish times it was a reproach to be barren (v25) as it was though you were cursed by God
- Their situation was a blessing in disguise - it made them trust in God all the more
- God had heard their prayer - v13
- Situations can make room for God's glory to be revealed
The Answered Prayer
- Had Zacharias stopped praying?
- Zacharias did not believe the angel
- However, God had heard his prayer and answered
- Have you given up hope?
- Do you feel your prayers are not answered?
- God is hearing but some of our prayers are yet to be answered
- The answer
- Came when Zacharias was doing his duty
- Is this not true - do blessings not come in the path of duty?
- Example of Gideon, Moses
- We do not expect angels to appear to us
The Announcement
- Zacharias was very scared when an angel appeared
- People are always fearful when angels appear
- Examples
- It is an awesome, awe inspiring thing - as they come from the presence of God
- "Do not be afraid"
- It is a message not of judgment but blessing
- Zacharias is told his son would be called John
- Not the name of his father or a relative
- John means "God is gracious"
- John would be great in the eyes of the Lord
- Not great in the eyes of his parents or the world
- Not popularity but humility and service
- John was to come in great power
- He was turn the hears of the fathers to the children - v17
- There would be a healing by working in the hearts of fathers and children
- He would preach in the power of the Holy Spirit
- He would prepare a people for the Lord
- He was a channel, a forerunner
- He would point to Jesus
Closing Remarks & Challenge