April 11, 2021

The Darkness of Unbelief

Passage: Luke 11:27-36


1st Century Israel is very different to 21st Century UK


A very secular society
Very little Bible knowledge
Not a religious country


All Jews would go the synagogue and partake in festivals
Jews had a religious identity
They were different groups – the Essenes, the Zealots, the Sadducees, the Pharisees

Despite all their religion – called by Jesus a faithless and unbelieving society

Luke 9:41 – “Faithless and perverse generation”
Luke 11:29 – “An evil generation”
The general disposition of the people was to disbelieve the promises of God

v29 – Therefore, the description of large crowds drawing around Jesus does not mean a real seeking after truth

The Pharisees had accused Jesus of casting out a demon by the power of the devil
Jesus does not preach John 3:16 but speaks of judgment as they failed to appreciate who He was
He did not speak words of love when there was hostility in the hearts of others – instead He spoke words of challenge from a heart of live

What words would Jesus speak to us today?

What is our attitude to the Bible?
What is our attitude to the person of Jesus Christ?
What is our attitude to ourselves?
Is there living faith in your heart?

Jesus gives two examples of pagan peoples who received the word of God – repentance at the preaching of Jonah and the wisdom of Solomon

He gave two illustrations

Two Illustrations
The Story of Jonah


Genuine repentance of sin
What a contrast with the Jewish people


Was reluctant to go
A message of warning
He didn’t like the Assyrians
The failure and disobedient one


Gladly proclaiming the gospel
A message of warning but of salvation

What a contrast between the Ninevites and the Jews!
What a contrast to today

So many available resources
So many opportunities to hear God’s word
Such Christian families
What have we done with this?
Often pagan and tribal people believe

The sign of Jonah the prophet:

He metaphorically experienced death and resurrection – in the belly of the fish
So Jesus will be to this generation
John 2:18-19
The gospel message is the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ

Is the gospel enough for you?
We do not put our trust in preachers
We do not look to man but look to God

The Story of the Queen of Sheba


Yet Solomon was a sinner and greviously sinned against God in the end
Christ is the wisdom and word of God
One greater than Solomon is here

Jesus is greater than Jonah and Solomon

v32 – do you think about the Judgement

Jesus warned many about judgement
God is just and fair
God expects us to respond

A repentant heart
To truly believe in Jesus Christ
To follow Him all of our days

The Parable of the Lighted Lamp

v33-36 – A New Illustration
Jesus’ light shone clearly for all to see
The eye to our heart – explanation

Do not feed upon sensual pleasures
If the eye is bad – we will be full of darkness
If the ye is good and we look to God – our body will be full of light

Do not be fooled by ‘light’ that is actually darkness

Example of Paul
Example of Cain

Jesus has come to take us darkness to light

If we receive Him – the light enters into our lives

Closing Remarks

Beware of the darkness of unbelief
We will be judged on the light and whether we have believed
Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ