Old Llantrisant Hill
- Opening up of a subject this evening
- Has been discussed in the Men's Meetings
- Is this a topic you have struggled with?
- To do with a view of God's character
- Your understanding of God affects your worship
- Do you have a hard view of others? - example
- Do you have a wrong view of the love of God? - explanation
God is Love
- The Bible says God is love
- It never says God is wrath or anger
- It does say that God can be angry
- Love is part of His very nature - v8,16
- Some theologians would not even class wrath as one of His attributes ...
- ... though it is part of His holiness
- Exodus 34:6-8
- Love - merciful, gracious, longsuffering, abounding in goodness and truth
- Wrath - not clearing the guilty
- A balanced view
- Some say you must preach the whole tennet of Scripture
- Example of 'Before they leave the stage' and Ian Hamilton
- Examples of how people are conversion
- The most usual way people are converted is when they hear the good news of Christ
The Wrath of God
- John 3:36
- At the present time - all unbelievers have the settled anger of God on them
- God's anger towards sin and the sinner
- Eph 2:3
- Rom 1:18
- Ps 7:11, 11:5
- Prov 15:8-9,26
How can to the two be understood?
- God detests sin - can the sinner be separated from their sin?
- As humans we understand these ideas differently to how God thinks about it
- We might think of wrath as being in a rage or vindictive - God never acts like this
- Love is not a feeling - God defines love in a different way
- What about the rich young ruler? - explanation
- Think of Jesus weeping over the city of Jerusalem - explanation
- Luke 6:27-28
- We are called to love our enemies
- We are to have the same disposition of love, compassion and pity as God does
- God provides the sun and the rain for both good and bad
- 2 Pet 3:9
- Ez 18:32,23, Ezk 33
- God in love sent forth His Son, Jesus in love died on the cross for sinners
- Righteousness and mercy kissed together at the cross
- A special love for the believer
Practical Outworkings
God loves the sinner but hates the sin
- Is this helpful?
- In some respects
- Does not represent the whole truth
- The need to explain love
God's love is unconditional
- Does this need to be explained?
- The unconditional aspect is the fact we don't need to earn God's love
- There is still the need for repentance
- This love is in Christ
Two Statements
- Spurgeon
- The Synod of Dort - (the 5 points of Calvinism)
- All can be saved
- The work of the cross is of infinite value
- Disagreements over doctrines should not affect our fellowship with other Christians - provided we are united over primary issues
- Does it affect our evangelism?
- Rev 7:9-10
- Many called but few are chosen
Closing Remarks