March 19, 2023

The Countdown

Passage: Genesis 6:11-7:24
Service Type:


Our text 6:22 – "Thus Noah did; according to all that God commanded him, so he did."

Did it really happen?
Is it a fable or story?
Is it fact or fiction?
Peter believed it – 2 Peter 2:5
Moses believed it
The Lord Jesus Christ believed it – Luke 17:26-27

This is a historical record of God’s judgment of humanity

This record is a countdown in reverse

To look at this countdown this evening

The last century
The last week
The last day

The last century

Gen 6:22

Noah was 500 years old in chapter 5 – but later restricted to 70 years (3 score and 10)
He was 600 years old when the flood came (7:6)

This text is a summary of the last 100 years in Noah’s time

He obeyed God during this time
Two aspects of obedience:

He built an arc
He preached the righteousness of God

His obedience in building an arc

6:14 – a 100 years work
6:15 – large dimensions
6:16 – 3 decks
6:19-10, 7:2 – its capacity

His obedience in preaching righteousness to an unrighteous world

2 Peter 2:5 – the ungodly
Matt 24:38 – affluent living
Matt 24:39 – living in ignorance
The world was under the condemnation of God
1 Peter 3:20 – only 8 were saved (his own family)

Do you ever fear being outside God’s salvation?

The last week


‘That Was The Week That Was’ – sartorial view (TV program) of the last week

There is nothing funny about this last week


The animals came in
Animal instinct was more alert than human conscious
We live in an age where mankind can act as animals


Did you come to faith quickly or slowly?

Example of a friend’s last week

The last day


The countdown is concluded
Come in repentance and faith to Jesus Christ
Are you looking for a new life?


God secured them
There is no possibility of falling overboard from the arc of Jesus Christ

You are eternally safe in Christ

We are now living in the last days

Matt 24:44
Imagine those trying to get it
Time had run out on the last day

Jesus is returning

There are those who will not listen
Are you saved?