We have an advocate – Jesus Christ the righteous
John cannot contain his joy in this letter
He wants people to have fullness of joy
There is a problem raised – sin in the life of the believer
He is deals with those who treat sin lightly
There is a false teaching – ‘we are not above sinning’
We are a work in progress
Quote from Ruth Graham
There is another problem – being overwhelmed by sin to be robbed of their joy and peace
He writes that we have a glorious advocate (2:1)
This is like a court-room drama
The Sinner
Centring first on those who sin
The believer is accused
Yes – our sins have been forgiven and God remember’s them no more
The sin of the believer is worse than the unbeliever
Due to the amount of gospel light that we have known
Satan in the accuser of the brethren
Example of Jesus being tested in the wilderness
Example of accusations
The advocate
Centring next on the advocate
A paracletos (in Greek)
The same word used of the Holy Spirit
We have an advocate in the Son of God in heaven
In spite of all of what we are not / what we should be
Here is Jesus
He has taken upon Himself our cause
We entrust our entire defence to Him
He is Jesus – His personal name
All that was in His humanity – examples
Are we guilty of detaching His person from His work?
Two persons – one nature
He comes alongside us
He understands us
He is Christ – His official title
God the Father delights in His Son and gives our case to Christ
He comes to take away our sin
Song lyrics – Might Christ from time eternal
He is pre-figured in the sacrifices of the Old Testament
Song lyrics – Before the throne of God above
He is a high-priest
He is the righteous
He will fully expose our sin and guilt
He will establish a way where we are justly and mercifully forgiven of sin
The Acquittal
The basis of acquittal – on He Himself
Jesus Christ alone is the propitiation for our sins
The wrath of God diverted from us
Example of Swansea Castle and diverting the River Tawe
Isa 12
The propitiation
Jesus bearing away our sins
The just died for the unjust
We have a wonderful Advocate how lays down His life for us
We have not just an acquittal, but approval and acceptance too
We can be called children of God
Our relationship with God has fundamentally changed
Personal example of paternal relationship/love
We are brought into a world of guilt free living
Quote from McShane
Closing Remarks
If He represents us in heaven – we must represent Him on earth
Song Lyrics: I am not ashamed to defend my Lord
We live in a world of strident sin
We must be bold and courageous in our stand for Christ
Closing Prayer