March 19, 2023

The Messenger

Passage: Ezekiel 1:1-28
Service Type:

N.B. Below are brief notes to provide an overview. In addition, the audio can be quite loud.

Speaking about missionary work – little visible fruit

Example of David Brainerd

Looking at Ezekiel 1-2

Context – the nation of Israel taken in captivity by Babylon

Three points to remember

Ezekiel was among the exiles in Babylon

Looking at three aspects of Ezekiel’s calling for our encouragement today

The messenger must encounter the glory of God (Ezk 2:1)

Ezekiel has a vision of the fiery judgment of God

Explanation of the imagery
To cause Ezekiel to remember where he was – entering into the ‘Holy of Holies’

Ezekiel fell on his face as he had to be purified to enter the temple

Lev 8 and 16
Explanation of the role of the priest

The messenger must receive the Spirit of God (Ezk 2:2)

Through the Spirit of God he was able to stand before God
The Temple points towards Jesus
Compare Ezekiel 1-2 and Rev 4-5
We are in desperate need of the salvation of Jesus
Heb 10:11-22 and discussion

The messenger must be sent with the word of God (Ezk 2:3)

God sends messengers to proclaim His word
Example of David Brainerd
Quote from John Piper
God had greater plans for Ezekiel’s ministry and message
1 Peter 2:9