Old Llantrisant Hill
- The Feeding of the 5000
- The only miracle that Jesus performed that is recorded in each of the four gospels
- These people were hungry, they needed bread
- This is what mission is all about - taking the bread of life
- The compassion of Jesus (v14)
- Jesus often reached out to those with great physical needs
- Jesus saw more than just their physical needs
- Jesus saw and addressed their spiritual needs
- What is our compassion like tonight?
- Due we care that multitudes still need to be reached with the gospel?
- Many places need the gospel
- Spain, France
- There is tremendous need on our doorstep
- We need to ask Jesus to allow us to see people as He sees them
- The difference in attitude of Jesus and that of the disciples
- The disciples: 'Send the people away' - let the people look after themselves
- Jesus said: 'give them something to eat'
- 'Simply give me what you have and I will feed the multitude'
- The Lord uses that which is weak and despised so that all the honour goes to Him and not to us
- E.g. David, Jeremiah, Heb 11:34 (the mighty men and women of faith)
- Example of Hudson Taylor
- God is still looking for those who recognise their weakness but are willing to give their talents to God
- Jesus blessed the food, broke it and gave it to His disciples
- The food is blessed by Jesus - the word is blessed by Jesus
- It is the mighty and powerful word of God
- It is sharper than any sword
- The food was distributed by the disciples
- Jesus could have fed the crowd Himself but He entrusted the disciples to give the food to the crowd
- God has entrusted us with the gospel to take it out to the multitude
- The people all ate and were satisfied (there were left overs)
- The gospel satisfies [completely]
- The gospel changes and transforms lives
- The little child insignificant in the eyes of man but significant in the eyes of God
- There is something for each of us to do for God