Old Llantrisant Hill
- People will turn away from the gospel
- 1 Tim 4:1
- 2 Thess 2:3
- Matt 24:11-13
- People will turn away from the gospel
- There will be apostasy in the last days
- We as Christians need to endure to the end
- Last week we were exhorted to draw near will confidence of faith
- Today it is about not drawing back
- A trumpet blast against apostasy (v26, v29)
- Terrible punishment await such as these (v29, v31)
- We must not give up Jesus Christ and return back to our Jewish ways
- Quote from Andy Murray
- Come in with boldness but be careful because the gates of hell are wide open
- People are willing to think of heaven but not of hell
- Jesus spoke often about hell (see the gospels)
- Hell reminds us how serious sin is
- Hell reminds us of the Holiness and purity of God
- Quote from Spurgeon
- The passage ends with tremendous encouragement
How does apostasy begin?
- Apostasy is turning your back completely on Jesus Christ
- It begins by neglect
- Neglect in prayer
- Neglect in fellowship
- Neglect in reading their bible
- Neglect in coming to church
- This pattern may take months to years
- Then they make a decision not to follow Jesus Christ anymore
- The antidote - encourage yourself with 10:23-25
- What does to "sin willfully" mean (v26)?
- The Christian doesn't enjoy sin
- The sin here is a heart that never wants to please God/against God
- Example from John McArthur
- We have to be careful when we judge
- Example of James Montgomery
- God brought him back - he was not a apostate
- Example of Daniel Defoe
- He was not saved until aged 54
- Apostasy is one who has known the truth and rejected it
- The writer is concerned that people are giving up the faith altogether
- The sensitive Christian in a sensitive state - a clear indication of your love for Him, repent of your sin
- The person who couldn't care less - we ought not to give a false peace to them
What is apostasy?
- Heb 6 - a person who has been enlightened, who has knowledge of the truth
- They have come into the presence of God
- They have felt something of the stirring of the conscience
- They have known something of the Holy Spirit
- They defiantly reject it all
- The Bible has examples of those who turned back:
- Demas
- Judas
- Saul
- Hophni and Phinneas (the Sons of Eli)
- 1 John 2:19
- Example of Charles Russell
- There will be a great punishment for those who reject (v26-29)
- cf Deut 17
- How much worse to reject the very Son of God over Moses?
- Jesus was sanctified - He was set apart from the world
- People that have been separated from the world by God
- Illustration of a homeless person rejecting help
- Insulting the Spirit of Grace - like spitting in the face of God
- Apostasy is a terrible position to be in
- To be in the hand of God
- We need to pray for anyone that starts to go back
How do we avoid apostasy (v32-39)?
- The author is convinced that these people will not draw back and encourages them to continue on
- v32-33
- It is almost as if you didn't suffer (though they did)
- Heaven was in your mind, Jesus was in your mind
- You were not attached to earthly possessions (v34)
- Remember living hope, joy and vibrancy
- Not every Christian has a dramatic conversion experience like this
- Every Christian experiences a new birth
- Every Christian shows a change
- Remember how good God has been to us throughout our lives (v35)
- Continue on by faith (for you began by faith)
- Personal example of friend
- Example of Job
- Simply this: carry on, living by faith, trusting in Jesus Christ
- We are not those who draw back (v39)
- What God has started in us - He will complete
- Once saved, always saved (10:14)
- The writer is not teaching that you can lose your salvation
- If you are an apostate you never had faith (were never a Christian) at all
- Heb 6:9
- If you turn your back on God, He will deny you
- If you trust and have faith in God, He will never forsake you
Closing Remarks
- Heaven is wide open for all who believe in Jesus Christ
- But hell is also wide open for those who reject Him
- Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ