The betrayal, the denial & the victory
Last week looked at ‘A Battle of Wills’:
A battle among men
A spiritual battle
A losing battle
The ultimate battle
Jesus said "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak"
Did they reflect on the words after the Garden of Gethsemane
You cannot overcome unless looking and praying to Jesus
Twice they are advised to pray lest they enter into temptation
Have we fallen – standing in our own strength
We come to the arrest of Jesus
The betrayal – Judas
The denial – Peter
The victory – Jesus
The betrayal – Judas
To betray someone is a cowardly act
It is to say that friendship does not matter
It is to say you are against them and want to harm them
His betrayal was against the Son of God
Jesus had always cared for him
Judas was one of the twelve – v47
He was one of the discples
He had all the same privilege as the other disciples
He was chosen to be part of the inner circle
He was hear Jesus’ public and private teaching
He would see many miracles
He had charge of the finances
He could closely observe Jesus’ perfect life
Judas was a fraud
His heart was set upon the world
He did not want to endure a life of hardship following Jesus
He would not see a physical kingdom that would overthrow Rome
He did not see a position of authority for himself
No-one suspected Judas
He was a master of deception
The other disciples did not know Judas would betray Jesus (v21)
Jesus knew it
He was possessed by Satan
He was obsessed with material gain
He loved money
He led the temple police, soldiers, scribes, pharisees, saducees
They came with clubs and swords
He had the shameless audacity to kiss Jesus
He broke all the Ten Commandments in this moment
Jesus accepts this with great sorrow
What do we learn?
Satan sows tears amongst the wheat – false people amongst the church
Let there be none like within Tabor
Consider the end of Judas and come to Christ
The denial – Peter (v54ff)
He is in the power and hour of darkness – he is not ready for it
The other gospel accounts provide more information
John – Jesus steps forward and says "I am He"
He uses the covenant name of Yahweh "I am"
A sign of great power
He willing offers Himself
Simon peter takes up the sword and cuts of the servant’s ear
Jesus had said there would need to be a time to use a sword (v36-37)
The cause of Christ is not advanced with the use of weapons
Jesus’ heals the servant
Peter is standing in his own strength
Not praying – full of himself
He is rebuked by Jesus
He goes into the courtyard
He denies Jesus three times
The rooster crowed and Peter remembered Jesus’ words that he would deny Him (v61)
A betrayal and denial are not the same
A betrayal is calculated and planned
A denial is spontaneous and occurs in a time of weakness
Have there been occasions when you have acted like Peter?
We need to suffer with Christ
How foolish we often are?
Jesus looked at Peter with compassion and pity (v61)
It broke Peter’s heart and led him to repentance
Jesus does not turn His face away from us
He loves us
Confess you sin to Him
The victory – Jesus
Where is the victory – is He not a victim?
He is triumphant
He is fulfilling Scripture – being treated as a transgressor (like Barrabas)
Jesus was willing to take this role
He had come to become our substitute and take our sin upon Himself
This was God’s plan
He would die upon the cross and rise triumphant
John 12:27
Psalm 2
Jesus was not a victim but a victor fulfilling the plan of God
The lamb of God died as a substitute for our sins
His death was not in vain
All who trust in Jesus find full forgiveness
The cross is a demonstration of the love of God for you
Peter knew this – he was restored and was loved
Judas – never repented and went to hell
Do you identify with Peter?
Do not be a Judas
Be a servant of the living God
Love the victorious Jesus