March 5, 2023

Living as Exiles

Passage: Daniel 2
Service Type:

Apologies for the sub-optimal audio – the preacher was quite mobile and was not always standing in front of the microphones

Why looking at this theme?

Exile is a biblical theme
It is applicable in 2023

The culture around us is not dissimilar to the culture of Babylon

Babylon was not just interested in conquest but culture assimilation and dominance

Religious statement

Given new names – the names of Babylonian gods
Nebuchadnezzar takes all the contents of the Temple

Technologically advanced

Babylon was intent on wiping out any culture that came in its path

Today: faith squeezed to the margins if not forbidden
The danger is to get scared and discouraged – to lose heart

Daniel is written to encourage Jews in exile

The aim this evening is to encourage us

Nebuchadnezzar is troubled and inadequate (v1-3)

He was an absolute dictator

He saw himself as a god-like figure

Yet in these verses: he is in bed and cannot sleep

He was the most powerful man in the earth but could not sleep

Such powerful people in our would are often troubled and inadequate

People often ‘project’ success
They are often not what they seem

The wise men are ignorant and are inadequate (v4-11)

They were the elite of the Babylonians

They were stalling for time and could not do what the king had asked

The intelligencia of our day may seem like they have all the answers

If you do not know God, you know nothing

If you do know God, you have access to the wisdom of God

If you have seen Christ, you have see the Father
Christ is sufficient

God still speaks – even in exile (v14-23)

The God of heaven answers

Daniel gives an amazing prayer of praise

The Old Testament – was about the place of God

Is God still God, in Babylon?

God is not just the God of Jerusalem

God is the God of the whole world
Example of Revival Edition

Our temptation is to limit God
God still speaks

Man-made kingdoms rise and fall (v26-45)

An extraordinary prophecy

Clear in detail
Clearly fulfilled in history

Babylonians, followed by the Persians & Medes, followed by the Greek empire, followed by the Roman Empire, followed by the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ

The first encouragement is that man-made kingdoms rise and fall

"History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes"
Our culture/age will rise and fall

The second encouragement is that Christ’s kingdom

Christ’s kingdom is the stone that comes to shatter the kingdoms of the world
From ‘humble’ origins the Kingdom grew – explanation
The Kingdom continues to grow and spread around the world

God’s people can still be blessed – even in exile (v46-49)

This is a great encouragement – to see God’s people thriving and being blessed

See also the Book of Esther
We should pray that God will continue to bless His people ‘in exile’

How God blesses

Daniel faces the temptation to take the glory for himself

But gives the glory to God (v27)
He is not scared to name the name of God
Even into old age

Closing Remarks

We can thrive in our exile/culture
There is a challenge to ‘squeeze’ God

Name the name of God