March 5, 2023

A Battle of Wills

Passage: Luke 22:24-46
Service Type:


The human will is a faculty of the soul
It allows us to make decisions
Some people have very strong wills

Example of Margaret Thatcher
A strength and weakness


A battle among men
A spiritual battle
A losing battle
The ultimate battle

A battle among men (v24-30)

There is often a battle in the world of politics – a clash of wills
There is often a spirit of competition in work – example for jobs and promotions
There can be clashes in the family – examples
It should not surprise us there was a dispute amongst the disciples

Some might say Simon Peter, some might say Andrew, some might say John
They wanted position in the future – on earth and in glory (v30)

Jesus has something more important to tell them (v25-27)

It is normal that people rule and have dominion over others

Not the weak, quiet or submissive

Jesus’ values are different from the world’s values

Service, coming alongside, even serving them

Jesus came to serve

He has given Himself continually to people during His 3 years of ministry – examples
He gave His life on the cross

Are we caught in a clash of wills?

We must remember the words of the Lord Jesus
It is the Spirit of Christ that must shine forward: loving, serving, giving

Because Jesus gave His life for us
Because He loved us

We must have a general attitude of service

Especially within the Church

There are now many seminars to help those lead the church

A spiritual battle (v31-32)

Jesus addresses one of the disciples out of concern

Simon Peter feels he can do anything
But Jesus sees the spiritual realm and the activity of satan

That satan has asked to sift Peter at this hour of trouble, to cause him to deny Christ
Remember, now is the time and power of satan and that satan has entered the heart of Judas

There is a spiritual battle

Jesus prays for Peter (v32)

Peter’s faith did not fail – though it did take a huge knock
He repented and came back to Jesus
Jesus restored Him

Peter did not have ears for this (and did not see this)

Yet we are reassured because Jesus sees and prays for His people
Jesus’ prayers are strong and power – always answered

A losing battle (v33-34)

Peter really did love Jesus

He was being honest in his proclaimation
However, he did not understand his own weakness

Are we like this?

Do we think we will never fail in a particular area?
Do we consider ourselves strong?

Yet we are weak and without Christ we can do nothing

"Pray that you might not enter into temptation" v40, v46

How often do we fall into temptation?
Do we pray daily to avoid temptation?

Consider the Lord’s prayer

It is a losing battle when we don’t pray

An interlude (v35-38)

The situation is chancing – explanation

Persecution is coming

Two swords – is too much

Protection is needed – but do not over-react
We are to depend upon Jesus

It is a losing battle when we depend upon our own resources and strength – depend on Jesus Christ

The ultimate battle (v42-44)

Jesus always wanted to do the will of God the Father

Jesus had a human and a divine will

The weight of calvary led His human will to ask if there was another way, but He was willing to submit to God’s divine will

Surely we would do the same facing the terror of crucifixion
However, Jesus could see beyond the cross

Jesus first kneels in prayer, then is prostate on the ground sweating great drops of blood in His struggle

This was the ultimate battle

He submitted to God the Father’s will

He triumphed at Calvary – there was victory on the Cross
He brought sinners peace
He rescued those in darkness, those who are rebels, those who are going to hell

Turn from sin and believe in Jesus Christ’s work on the cross – then your sins are forgiven and there is a place in heaven for you

He faced the ultimate battle and won it for us
Follow Jesus Christ

Closing Remarks