Implications of belief or denial of fundamental doctrine
Looking at the implications of belief or denial of fundamental Christian doctrine
Throughout the centuries there has been denial of central doctrinal truth
Heresy – denying the eternity of Jesus
The Nicene Creed was formulated
Heresy – denying the humanity of Jesus
Heresy – open theism
Heresy – universalism
In Corinth – some had false thinking: that there was no bodily resurrection
They were agreeing with Greek common thought
They thought the body was evil and hence would not be resurrected
They were maybe also influenced by the saducees
Some important implications of believing
v1-11 last week, is positive
Presenting the gospel and establishing the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead
Overview: the passage falls into three sections
Implications of denying the resurrection from the dead (v12-19)
A truth central to Apostolic preaching
The preaching of His death and resurrection
Acts 2:23-24, 3:26, 10:39-40, 13:32-33, 17:3,32
The Corinthians could not have said they had not heard of the resurrection
1. You are saying Christ is not risen! (v13)
Christ is and has been raised
Paul is using logic – v13
2. And Preaching is a waste of time, and faith is vain (v14)
Their faith is a waste of time, if Christ is dead in the grave
Their faith would be useless and empty
3. Furthermore the Apostles were liars (v15)
If no resurrection (of whom the Apostles were eye witness) – then they are liars
You cannot trust the Apostles
4. Even worse ALL will perish, no-one will be saved (v16-17)
If there is no resurrection there is no salvation
The work of Christ has not been accepted by the Father
Mankind cannot be saved and are still in their sins
There is no hope for the future
If we are living for an eternity that does not exist – we are most pitiable
To deny clear Biblical Teaching is serious
Paul is using argument after argument of the serious implications of deny the resurrection from the dead
If you reject/tamper with one truth – many other truths fall down
To deny the reality of hell is to empty Jesus’ words of all meaning
To deny certain truths causes big problems
Implications of the truth of the resurrection (v20-28)
Paul makes a wonderful declaration
"He is risen!" – v20
People are not risen, though they have been raised (e.g. Lazarus)
However, Jesus is risen – the ongoing present tense
He is risen and reigning now
1. His resurrection guarantees ours!
The example of the festival of firstfruits
Christ is the firstfruits of resurrection
Because He rose, we also will rise
Through Adam death/sin came into the world
The Second Adam / the Perfect Man / Christ – brings life
Christ will be the firstfruits, believers second
Those already fallen asleep will be raised when Christ comes for His Church
2. His resurrection initiates the final stage of God’s purposes for this universe – the defeat of all evil!
This is wonderful
All things are subjected to Him
All power and evil
The last enemy of death – will be destroyed
The older you get – death becomes uglier
Christ overcame death at Calvary
There will be a new heaven and a new earth
There will be no more death
Christ has complete and total victory
Paul proclaims this wonderful doctrine
Some practical implications (v29-34)
v29 – This might be one of the most difficult verses in the New Testament
There are apparently 41 interpretations of this verse!
To deny the resurrection is to invalidate baptism
Example of the thief on the cross – who could not be baptised
Maybe some are being baptised on the witness of those who died
Unless the dead are raised, baptism is pointless
It speaks of our death and resurrection
If the dead do not rise, then all suffering for Jesus is a waste of time … we might as well live purely for the pleasures of this life
There is no point to bodily suffering if there is no resurrection
We may as well have an easy life – "eat and drink, for tomorrow we die" – v32
Paul is challenging the Corinthians to look at his life
Be careful how you live
Bad company corrupts – v33
The religion of today is hedonism
Awake to righteousness and do not sin
Closing Remarks
Believe in biblical doctrines
Practice and not forget
Do not be surprised when those in the church deny the fundamental doctrines of Scripture – we see this happening
When the Church moves away from fundamental doctine – morality goes out the window
Wake up and live for Christ!!