The Beginnings of a Disciple
Looking at a new series – Simon Peter
The power of a personal testimony
If you question their story – you are questioning them as a person
I love to read personal testimonies
Example of ?Cara Hill and Stewart Burgess
We are looking at the life of Simon Peter
What stands out about his life?
Maybe the time he denied Jesus, being a spokesman/the outspoken one
Do you know much about the beginning of his life?
We are looking at the beginnings of a disciple
We will see him warts and all – examples
We will see his love (for Jesus) – examples
lets looks at the beginnings of his life
Encountering the grace of Jesus (John 1:35-42)
Encountering the holiness of Jesus (Luke 5:1-11)
Encountering the grace of Jesus (John 1:35-42)
John the Baptist had been preaching – he has two disciples
One is Andrew (v40)
The other is thought to be John (the Gospel writer)
"Behold the Lamb of God"
The message was so profound that they started to follow Jesus
They asked where Jesus lived
They likely received teaching
Andrew was certain that he had found the Messiah (v41)
Andrew tells Simon Peter
Was this the first time that Simon had heard (had he heard from John the Baptist?)
Andrew takes Simon to Jesus (v42)
His name is changed – this is the beginning of grace
We all come to faith in different ways
Andrew gave personal testimony to Peter
The preaching of John the Baptist affected Andrew, but it was personal testimony that affected Simon
Andrew came to faith by preaching, Simon Peter by personal testimony
Both were brought to Jesus
Both of these were in the inter-Testamental period
But we see the beginnings of faith and spiritual life
Simon’s name was changed from meaning a fluttering/wandering dove to Peter meaning a steadfast rock
There were some true Israelites – Nathaniel, Simeon, Anna
Also Andrew – because he embraced the ministry of John the Baptist
He was probably baptised by John the Baptist
Andrew received the message to turn away from sin
Reading John 1:29-34 – the message of John the Baptist
What were the influences on Simon? – his brother
Andrew must have been a gracious man
Peter is headstrong, outspoken, putting his foot in it
If you are like this in public – what are you like at home?
Acts 1:21-22
Jesus looked at Simon (v42)
Why does it say this?
Jesus sees in a way we do not see – into the deep recesses of the heart
Jesus sees Peter is a rock – such a gracious response
We see the central message (not the full detail)
Jesus will change Peter’s life – through grace and mercy
Have you had an encounter with Jesus Christ?
Have you trusted your life to Him?
Have you become child of God?
Simon Peter reminds us of Jacob (renamed to Israel)
Unstable changed to stable
Encountering the holiness of Jesus (Luke 5:1-11)
The immediate focus of this passage is on Simon Peter – above this the focus is on Christ
Simon Peter’s boat
Jesus speaks to Simon Peter
Simon Peter replies
Simon Peter is overwhelmed (v8)
He is not overjoyed at the miracle but feels so unworthy and unclean
He confesses his sinfulness
Jesus tells Simon Peter not to be afraid (v10)
We see the beginnings of a disciple
What is happening in your heart?
Initial and then deeper conviction of sin?
Immediate conviction of sin?
Do you understand the grace and the holiness of God – Personal example
God never despises a humble and lowly heart
God does not want the self-righteous or religious person (Pharisee) but the humble (the Tax Collector)
If you come with a broke heart confessing sin, Jesus will not turn you away
Jesus will receive you
God is often doing more than we can see – in people’s live
Examples of Mal, Amy, Catherine
Closing Remarks
Quote from Spurgeon
Let us give our personal testimonies
Let us help lead others to Christ – Like Nathaniel
Let us encourage people
Let us see what God will do