Comfort in Suffering
On Wednesday night we touched on this letter – how it is the most personal and intimate
It has a lot to do with suffering
How would we cope with suffering?
Example of Job
Job says through the suffering – he truly knew God, he came to understand Him in a deeper way
Suffering is used for various reasons
Paul had a thorn in the flesh – he was not proud but humble
v4-7 we hear of the comfort in suffering
Chapter 4:8-10 the honesty of suffering
Chapter 6:1-10 the scars of Christian ministry
Chapter 10 – spiritual warfare
Chapter 11 – false apostles
Chapter 12 – the thorn in the flesh
Though Paul experienced great suffering:
God was with him and he had overcome
In times when none but God could deliver – he trusted in God
God is with His people
We thank God for the records in Scripture that encourage
Quote from John McArthur – "stretched to greater usefulness"
Quote from John McArthur – the heart of Paul
A letter from a broken hearted man (v1-3)
2 Corinthians is written by a broken-hearted man
Chapter 12:15 – can you hear the pain in him
Chapter 6:1 – pleading not to receive the gospel in vain
Chapter 10:1
Yet the opening words of this letter are not downbeat but he is rejoicing
Paul knows He is the Father of mercies and comfort
Chapter 6:11-13, 7:2 – closed hearts
Opening Words (v1-3)
How might you address a church – would it only apply to a ‘sound’ church?
All churches need grace and peace
Paul is joyful in all his pain (v3)
An apostle of Jesus Christ (v1)
His apostleship is being questioned
He is not being punished but blessed
He is not weak
He is not a false apostle
His apostleship is by the will of God
And Timothy
They are a team – he is not an autocrat
He is encouraging Timothy
It is an act of solidarity with Timothy
1 Cor 16:10
It is an act of solidarity with the church – for accepting Timothy
A church of God
Who are saints – separated from the world
All in Achaia
Cenchrea and Athens
A good connection between the churches
Our AECW prayer meetings are such an encouragement to others
This is a great encouragement and pattern to us
He begins by praising and worshipping God
God has promised to comfort all in trouble (v4-7)
If we are the children of God
Human parents help their children – how much more will God
We have the words trouble/tribulation 7 times but comfort/consolation 10 times
Do we have the right emphasis?
Comfort – inner composure
A strengthening of his inner spirit
Examples – a ship wreck, in the inner prison
We can comfort others – because God has brought us through and strengthened us
Those in suffering have more understanding and more empathetic – examples
Our consolation abounds through Christ
If we suffer for Christ – we will be comforted by God
Isaiah 66:13
Comfort brings your consolation
Suffering brings consolation
Remarkable deliverances often happen (v8-11)
Our extremity is God’s opportunity
Examples of Paul’s significant suffering
Paul was despairing of life (v8) …
… yet he trusted in God who raises the dead (v9)
His extremity was God’s opportunity
Past deliverance
Current deliverance
The church were praying for deliverance
As prayers were answered – thanks was given
Closing Remarks