John the Baptist
A few principles of John the Baptist’s life – rather than details
50 references to John the Baptist
Two aspects:
The distinctiveness of John the Baptist
The completeness of John the Baptist
The distinctiveness of John the Baptist
He was prophesied in Malachi
He is like a beam of light that quickly comes and goes
He has a distinctive character
His preperation
30 years in the desert
An usual character in his dress
Subsisting on locusts and honey
Meditating, praying, preparing – we don’t know much about this
His preaching – incisive and powerful
Many are coming, to hear him speak and confess their sin and to be baptised in the River Jordan
He was fearless in speaking to the pharisees
No immediate repercussions
Yet he preaches one thing to one man and he ends up in prison
Trouble comes when he is specific and particular
Distinctive, usual, standing out amongst the crowd
What about us today?
Have we lost our cutting edge?
Do we drift into the things of the world?
Irish missionaries in the Early 7th century took the gospel to middle Europe
The monks would have looked very distinctive – explanation
God has in the past used unusual and strange people
Example of Rabbi John Duncan
Young people of the Church
Do they have a clear view of things?
Are we too accepting of things?
We are radically changed – new creatures in Jesus Christ
Is the Church radical and different or are we being assimilated into the culture and ways of the time in which we are living?
Are we in danger of losing the savour of salt?
James 4:4 – friends of the world are enemies of God
2 Tim 3:12 – all who live "godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution"
Those who are being persecuted (in the UK) are those standing up for the truth of Scripture
There is a true distinction in John the Baptist – is the Church distinctive in following Jesus Christ?
The completeness of John the Baptist
A two year ministry – but nonetheless a complete life
The right person, at the right time, with the right message
God honoured this – he had amazing success
He was preparing the ground for the Lord Jesus Christ
His ministry ends when the Lamb of God appears
How do we judge people and their life?
James was killed
Peter was taken but he miraculously escaped
Do we judge by human standards?
Example of McShane, David Brainer, Eric Lidl
We find difficult to understand the ways of God
Example of the men/Lion of the Covenant
Two applications:
Our lives are in God’s hands
Our birth
Our death – comes when our work is complete
We have work to do (while we are still here)
We are all unique and have a purpose
God is working in us – examples
God is working through us
His purposes are being fulfilled in our lives
Whatever we do for the sake of the gospel – it will never be in vain
There is a unique work for us to do
May God help us to do and be
Do not be like doubting Thomas
What about doubting John?
He needed reassurance?
We often doubt
We need to pray for our pastors
His disciples needed reassurance?
He was asking on their behalf – so they would be certain as to who Jesus was
We need to send people to Jesus
Are we sending people to Jesus?
We need to be like John the Baptist and send people to Jesus
Closing Prayer