The difference knowing Jesus makes
Reading "What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare."
Quote from Poem
Do we have time to stare, particularly at Jesus?
John’s biography of Jesus [John’s Gospel] is selective
This passage helps us to look at Jesus
We are commanded five times to "behold"
v4, 14, 26, 27
Be believing in Him, we can have life in His name
Behold the King (v14)
The passage does not make for easy reading
The chapter starts with a bruised and bloodied Jesus
He has suffered a kangaroo court
He is sent to be flogged
Quote from historian on the terribleness of flogging
A crown of thorns is placed on His head
He is mocked as King and paraded to them
John commands us to see beyond this
The Jewish leaders and priests called for crucifixion
They rejected Him as a ‘nobody’
They rejected Him as King (v15)
He is entitled by Pilate – King of the Jews
He is stripped of His garments (v23) and nailed to a cross
It is difficult for us to see His Kingship
We can overlook the shockingness of this situation
How do you feel about your King?
It is a shocking account and we are meant to pause and behold how Jesus is dying for us
Behold your son/behold your mother (v26-27)
We see the God man acting in a completely distinct way to other people and the gods of the time
What a contrast between Jesus and the two robbers crucified with Him
Jesus did not react out of hurt
What a contrast with the jealously and brutality of the Greek or Roman gods
He loves, serves, speaks with authority and fulfils
He loves and provides for His mother, even on the cross
He acts perfectly and in all righteousness
Have you ever seen anyone like Him?
There is a re-ordered relationship between Mary and Jesus
There is very different from her earlier life
She is worthy of great respect but is not perfect
She has to come to Jesus like everyone else
Jesus wants to provide for Mary materially and spiritually
The disciple whom Jesus loved (John)
This helps us to understand what a right relationship with Jesus looks like
John knew the command to love (and be loved)
To be a disciple is to be someone whom Jesus loves
Mary is placed with a compassionate believer (rather than His own brothers)
Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice
John made a smaller sacrifice to look after Mary
Closing Remarks
Behold your King
If you think light of sin – remember what Jesus endured for our sin
Who is king of our lives?
He alone can save us
Behold your son
There is no inside track to Jesus – we all need to put our trust in Jesus
God will make provision for His children
We can trust Him
Behold your mother
John knew he was profoundly loved
You are loved beyond measure – God’s love is boundless and free
God orders relationships because He cares for His Church
How do we treat the family of God?
John was obedient to Jesus in faith – his ordinary moments became extraordinary
God receives our obedience as an act of faith
We have whole life worship – our whole life has value
Stand and stare at Jesus – trust and obey Him