Spiritual Steadfastness
- v12
- Quote from Robert Murray McShane
- Quote from Spurgeon
- Paul 2 Cor 7:4
- Quite astonishing these words
- How does one get to this state of mind?
- Normally suffering is an unwelcome intruder
- Our verse provides some answers
- Looking beyond your suffering and rejoicing in hope
- We are to understand the purpose of suffering
- Prayer is the key to be joyful and patient
- A practical message
- A commandment
- Last week: v11
- (This week: v12)
- Without these commands we flounder
- Overview:
- Rejoicing in Hope
- Patient in Tribulation
- Constant in Prayer
Rejoicing in Hope
- People aspire to happiness
- Happiness alludes many of us
- There are many causes: illness, calamity, disposition
- When Paul is writing - he is writing to all Christians
- He says to all "Rejoice in hope"
- He is not writing to non-Christians
- They cannot fulfill these commands
- They do not have the Holy Spirit dwelling within
- Christians suffer and face trials, trouble and death
- Our joy is not dependent on our circumstances
- Paul was not a 'super-Christian': what was available to him is available to every Christian
- Examples
- All the promises to the apostle Paul are to us as well
- 2 Cor 7:4-7
- Paul found his joy in the company of Christians
- We need Christian fellowship
- It is not superficial joy
- In the midst of great sorrow he knew joy in the Lord
- We can be joyful in even all of our sorrows
- We have great communion with God
- Paul is thinking of the hope of glory
- Being in God's presence
- If your hope is in this world you will be miserable
- Paul's hope was in the next world
- Rom 8:18
- 2 Cor 5
- Example of Jane Hamey
Patient in Tribulation
- We don't often use the word tribulation today
- From the word Tribulum
- To do with an outward force, a pressure brought to bare on our lives
- As Christians we will face tribulation
- Quote from Jesus & Paul
- Examples
- How can we patient in tribulation?
- A great example in Janet Turner
- Accept that tribulation will come
- The purpose of tribulation – Rom 5:3-5, James 1:2-4, Ps 119:67
- Consider the bad example of the Israelites
- Keep a check on our anger – Prov 19:14, 14:29
- Be patient – Prov 16:32
- Many examples in Tabor
Constant in Prayer
- We need the Lord in these areas
- Perhaps continuing steadfastly in prayer is the hardest
- Examples of Spurgeon and John McCarthur
- There is a special emphasis on the constancy of prayer
- 1 Thess 5, Eph 5
- Rom 1:9
- We must not pray only for those we know
- Quote from Spurgeon
- Prayer requires time and effort
- Sometimes it is a battle
- It needs faith
- Quote from Spurgeon
- We pray specifically
- We pray expectantly
- Perhaps we lack faith?
- Without faith it is impossible to please God
- Consider the example of Pentecost this morning
Closing Remarks