Pentecost Harvest
- When we think of Pentecost we often think of the coming of the Holy Spirit
- It was originally a Jewish festival
- 50 days
- It was a day of great joy
- Another name: the Feast of Weeks
- The second of three major festivals
- The trumpets, the choir, the Psalms
- Thinking of a different harvest
- Jesus is our Passover Lamb
- God sent His Holy Spirit 50 days after Jesus was crucified
- 3000 were saved that day
- This was the birth of the church as we know it
- 5000 saved afterwards
- The Church has been growing ever since
- Overview:
- The Moment of Pentecost
- The Message of Pentecost
- The Movement that began at Pentecost
The Moment of Pentecost
- It has "fully come"
- A sign of fulfillment
- John the Baptist had predicted this
- Jesus had said to His disciples
- Acts 1:4-5
- The moment of the giving of the Holy Spirit
- The pivotal act of humanity happened on the day of Passover
- Jesus Christ was offered as our Passover Lamb
- Explanation
- The people were expectant
- The Holy Spirit was poured out upon them - a very significant day
- The law of God would be written on peoples' hearts
- This was to replace the Ten Commandments (given 50 days after their escape from Egypt)
- The Israelites could not keep the Ten Commandments
- We cannot keep the Ten Commandments
- Explanation
- We would be given a capacity to obey the Law of God
- (But remember salvation is through faith in Christ alone)
- The Cross is what God has done for you
- Pentecost is what God is doing in you
- v2-4
- A sound like rushing mighty wind
- Tongues of fire/flame (upon the heads of the apostles)
- Wind and fire - represented God
- Examples
- They were all filled with the Holy Spirit
- v9
- Many nationalities heard the apostles speaking in the own language
- A gift given by God
- They are declaring the wonderful works of God
- They are declaring the works of Christ
- Have you understood the significance of Pentecost today?
- In the Old Testament God spoke through Hebrew
- At Pentecost God is speaking through many languages
- Do you know this God?
- You can only know God is the Holy Spirit comes and dwells in you
The Message of Pentecost
- The people were perplexed and confused
- Some thought they were drunk
- Peter address the crowd and spoke with great authority
- The Holy Spirit always points to Jesus Christ
- v16-21
- Peter explains it is a part fulfillment of a previous prophecy
- (The signs of the moon and sun have not yet come to pass)
- Young men and old men shall have visions and dreams
- This occurred in the New Testament
- We have become priests and servants of the Living God
- v22-24
- Remember all these miracles – no-one could deny them
- The acts at calvary were the purpose of God
- Christ had died – though they were still responsible
- God raised Christ from the dead
- His message: about the Son of God
- The message of the Church is not a social gospel
- Our message is about Jesus Christ
- That people need to yield their life to Him, for He is the only answer to their sin
- v24-35: Peter speaks to the Jewish audience from the Old Testament
- He quotes from Psalm 16 (v8-11)
- He quotes from Psalm 68 (v18)
- Peter labours the point about the Resurrection
- This is a sticking point for people today (including religious people)
- Do you believe it?
- There needs to be a response to this message?
- If you believe it you will be forgiven, given a new life and taken to heaven
The Movement that began at Pentecost
- There was a movement in heaven that day
- Supernatural things happened from heaven
- There was a movement on the earth
- It started in the hearts of the disciples
- It spread to the people listening
- They were listening at God was speaking to them
- They were deeply moved
- The asked "what shall we do?" (v37)
- Peter instructs that they repent and be baptised (v38)
- We must repent:
- Acknowledge that you are a sinner
- Hate your sin
- Ask God to change your heart and set your life in a different direction
- We must be baptised:
- Make a public declaration
- Baptism does not save you – but is a demonstration of your change: an outward act of an inward change
- Believer's Baptism – not infant baptism
- It is not an option but a command
- "Be saved from this perverse generation" (v40)
- The movement was so great (v42-45)
- They continued daily
- They loved fellowship
- There was great working and power of the Holy Spirit that fear came upon the community
- They sold the possessions and shared with those who had need
- They celebrated communion
- They continued in group prayer
- What was the name of the Church?
- It had no name - it was the Church of Jesus Christ
- It is not about names or denominations (it is about Jesus Christ)
- It is not the form, building or ritual but the gift of the Holy Spirit
- What sort of church is ours?
- Quote from Spurgeon (paraphrase)
- The Lord dwells where there is unity
- Our unity is in Christ, the Word of God and prayer
- Imagine the joy of the people that day
- Isaiah 9:2-3
Closing Remarks