Smitten by God
- In the West we have a weak concept of justice
- Examples
- Young people understand compassion, mercy and kindness because tolerance and non-discrimination is sounded forth
- Contrast to Arabic states where it is often the other way around
- Thinking about God
- He is totally just
- He is a God of loving kindness
- How do we reconcile this? How can He forgive sinners? How can He show mercy and compassion?
- The answers is in v 4
- Overview:
- The truth about man
- The truth about God
- The truth about you and I
The Truth about Man
- Isaiah
- Written 700 years before the birth, life and death of Christ
- Yet it is as if he was there at the foot of the cross
- Written in the present tense but more often in the past tense
- As if it has already happen, as if he is lamenting
- We didn't consider Him, but we came to understand that He was bruised for our sin and iniquity
- Man is blind
- We did not recognise the beauty of Jesus (v2)
- No outer beauty but an inner beauty
- We scorned Him, mocked Him, despised Him, crucified Him
- We were unbelieving (v1)
- He stood up to the religious hypocrites
- He spoke difficult truths
- He called us and we did not believe
- We can be so callous and so cruel
- We do not know the depths of our own hearts
- We wounded Him and put Him on the cross - but we do not lament and mourn our sins
The Truth about God
- That God would send the Suffering Servant into the world for us (v4)
- He carried the sickness of our sin
- Some call Isaiah 53 the fifth gospel, the Holy of Holies, the greatest vision ever seen
- A suffering Servant - it was astonishing to think the Messiah would suffer so much
- A scorned Servant
- A smitten Servant
- A substitute Servant
- A submissive Servant - He is silent and submissive to the will of God
- What love is this?
- A satisfied Servant - a tremendous victory 'It is finished'
- He would see the travail of His soul
- God so loved the world that He gave His only Son
- Justice and mercy come together at the cross
- Peace and righteousness come together at the cross
- God detests sin
- It spoils, defiles, hurts
- It brings corruption, decay and death
- He sees envy, bitterness, war, starvation
- He opposes sin in all shapes and forms
- What is Sin?
- The breaking of God's law
- We are born in sin
- Evil desires come from our hearts - examples
- God cannot be indifferent to sin
- Judas handed over Jesus for the love of money
- The Jews handed Jesus over to the Romans for envy
- Pilate handed Jesus over to the people's will for fear
- Sin is rebellion and treason
- How can a just God be true to justice and forgiveness?
- The answer is found in the person of Jesus Christ (v5)
- It pleased God not to punish His Son, but that Jesus was offering a fragrant sacrifice to this Father
- It pleased God about all that Jesus had done for us
- It pleased God that Jesus was the perfect sacrificial lamb
- It was the determined purpose of God
- Jesus voluntarily went to the cross
- He has come not just for the righteous but for sinners
- He has substituted Himself for us
- God will not punish sin twice
- If we have trusted in Jesus then we the guilty will go free
- God for love surrendered His son
The Truth about You and I
- How will we respond?
- Do we believe we are sinners?
- Have we confessed and repented of our sin?
- If you have not confessed then you are still in your sins
- You will suffer for your sins
- Jesus was forsaken on the cross - awful spiritual darkness (to take away our sins)
- If we do not confess our sins, we will be forsaken for all our sins
- Propitiation - Jesus turned away God's anger towards us
- Have you believed in Jesus?
- Quote from convert from Islam
- Do you know that your sins are forgiven?
- Challenge
Closing Remarks