Character Study during Jesus’ trial
- Looking at Jesus on the way to the Cross
- v37
- A great statement from the Lord Jesus Christ
- "Everyone on the side of truth listens to Me"
- This is a decisive moment in the history of the world (and in Jesus' life)
- Events are not controlling Jesus - rather He is in control
- This was His hour
- There was an intense spiritual conflict
- People close to the events are tested in this spiritual conflict
- We will be looking at some of the characters involved
- Whose side are we on?
- We live in intimidating times
- The traitor
- He saw all of the miracles of Jesus
- He was present in the upper room and when Jesus washed the disciples feet
- He was present when Jesus instituted the Communion remembrance
- He was present when Jesus said someone would betray Him
- What is going on his heart? Why did he do, what he did?
- Judas had freely chosen to betray Jesus
- A man so close to Jesus but never really knew and loved Him
- Judas is a special case
- Maybe there are elements of Judas in us?
- Perhaps Jesus did not do what Judas wanted Him to do?
- Do people refuse to believe in Jesus because He has not done what people want Him to?
- It was night in his soul - though he realised his sin and wanted to return the blood money
- He committed suicide
- Are you on Jesus' side?
- It is possible to be so close to Jesus and yet not know Him
Simon Peter
- We are very familiar with his denials
- He truly loves Jesus but he has frailties and weaknesses
- These weaknesses become clear at this time, but he fails Jesus
- Peter still seems to be fighting for Jesus not to die - He loves Jesus
- Peter (and John) followed Jesus out of devotion - he did not abandon Him
- Peter is challenged three times
- The challenge against Jesus (and Peter) was very hostile
- Would we have withstood?
- His faith failed - he thought he was unworthy
- A sign of a true disciple is that when we fail, it breaks our heart
- However, his failure has not been dealt with
- This is why Jesus restores him and tells him to "feed His sheep"
- Do we find it easy to restore someone after they fail?
- He is on the side of truth but fails (and is restored)
- A governor in a troublesome province
- The Jews had condemned Jesus without any real evidence
- They wouldn't go into the palace as they would be unclean and couldn't celebrate the Passover but at the same time were handing over the Messiah to be executed
- Pilate challenges the Jews
- He examines Jesus and begins to ask questions
- "What is truth?"
- He is a man of his time - 'no such thing as absolute truth'
- He is cynical
- Lots of people have doubts - not always a straight denial of the Truth
- Jesus is the Truth!
- He is being asked what side is he on
- He avoids this question
- Agnostics drift through life not answering this question
- He tries to avoid the issue ... but Pilate fails
- Quote from Terry Pratchet
- A condemned criminal - to be executed the following day
- What was it like to be in this position?
- The door opens as he is set free
- Jesus died in his place
- What did he do?
- Did he go back to his old ways
- Did he go to look at Jesus' dying?
- Was he moved by what happened?
- Was he on the side of Truth?
- Was he moved by grace?
- A wonderful picture of the gospel
- Jesus dies in our place for our sins
- He takes our physical death and eternal punishment
Closing Remarks