March 14, 2021

Short Meditation

Passage: Matthew 27:27-44
Service Type:

Thoughts in the early hours of the morning

The Lord’s leading
This passage – the robber who is crucified with the Lord Jesus Christ

The robber

Of the Jewish nation
Would have grown up knowing of the Messiah
Had fallen into serious trouble
At the point of execution for his crimes
Humanly speaking – no hope

In God’s providence hope was just a short time away

He was to have a super natural revelation
He was without God and without hope in the face of a terrible death
He heard the pharisees and the scribes mocking Jesus on the cross
This robber was in the best place he could find himself – face-to-face with the Son of God

What happened in his life to bring him to God?

His arrest and sentence – at the right time


What a coincidence!
The appointed time to meet Jesus

When were these arrangements made?

The temporal vs the eternal
The appointed time to meet Jesus

What was happening as he hung on the cross?

He saw how the Lord Jesus reacted
He heard Jesus’ gracious words of forgiveness
Something spiritual was happening within this robber – the other robber and the pharisees heard what Jesus said
Jesus’ words were having an impact on him
The robber was seeing beyond Jesus’ physical appearance
The Holy Spirit was working in his heart

God has been gracious to you and me

God has loved us
God loves us so much that He gave His only Son
This robber has been brought to know Jesus Christ
Hebrews – What he heard was mixed with faith
God is so gracious
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ