Magnify the Lord with me
We are to respond to the invitation at the start of the service
Ps 34, 122, 133
A question – “What are you going to do after lockdown?”
Heb 10 – continue to meet together apart from circumstances out of our control
“Have we become too comfortable with the lockdown situation”
It is easy to become comfortable
We must recognise the importance and value of physical/corporate worship
The Focus of Worship
Psalm 34:3 – “Oh magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together”
The Church is not the building but the people who gather within it
The Church is about meeting together
The Ecclesia – the called out ones
Some people ask what benefit do I get from church?
Scripture teaches there is a place for personal devotion
The example of Daniel, the Lord Jesus Christ
Ps 34:3 – a corporate experience
Who is it that we come to worship?
The Lord
Not about us, but all about God
Elhoim to Yahweh
The God who existed in eternity who has revealed Himself to His people
An invitation to magnify and glory this God
Example of Thomas
We have the privilege of coming to worship this God
To make bigger, to make great …
… though we cannot make God greater
To enlarge our view of God
Make Him great and declare His glory
The Lord of Lords
Abba, Father
Let us make the name of Jesus high
The Community of Worship
Psalm 34:3 – “Oh magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together”
It is important to have our personal devotion
You must be born again
David is calling for unity and nearness
Ps 133:1 – “Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity”
Reconcile yourself to the brethren
Ps 120-134 are psalms that were sung on pilgrimages
Ps 122:1 – “I was glad when the said to me ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord'”
Ps 122:4 – the tribes responded to this invitation
Luke 2 – Jesus went with His family in likewise manner
The gospel is for all nations
Revelation 7:9, Ephesians 2:3
We are one in Him
Why stay at home – Psalm 122:8
Example – Col 3:16
Let us worship God together
The Command of Worship
Ps 133:3c – “For there the Lord commanded the blessing – life forevermore”
Worship should be a pleasant experience
We preach a gospel of good news
There the Lord – starting and finished with the Lord
God will bless us
The blessing of Aaron
Explanation of Acts 2
Obedient to the Lord Jesus Christ
v41 – the result is that 3’000 were added to the Church
The way, the truth and the life
Do you have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ?
Ps 34:8 – “Taste and see the Lord is Good”