The Book of Obadiah
Looking at Obadiah this morning
The shortest book of the Bible
Much we could learn from this book
Much expository teaching
Good to have a big picture view of this book
We don’t know much about Obadiah other than his name and that he is a prophet
Obadiah means ‘servant of the Lord’
He has been called to prophesy to the people of Edom and Judah
The prophecy was likely delivered after the destruction of Jerusalem ≈ 586 BC
The first 16 verses – speaking to Edom
The last 5 verse – the vindication of God’s people
It’s main message is aimed at those who have turned their back on God – rebuke and judgment
Judgement is pronounced against Edom
Obadiah was called by the Lord – v1
Called to deliver a message/prophesy
God speaking to the people of Edom through Obadiah v2-16
A strong rebuke to the nation – v3a
The Edomites were the enemies of Israel
The descendants of Esau
Explanation of Esau vs Jacob
Example of sibling problems
The rivalry even from birth had turned into being enemies
The Edomites blocked their passage through the promised land – Num 20:14-20
The Lord speaks of the destruction of Edom
The Lord declares to Edom the root cause of their impending doom
Pride v3-4
There is nothing in this world that exists beyond God’s authority
The Edomites built their houses in the rocks and felt secure
God reminds them there is no place of escape from the living God
v5 – the ruin coming to the Edomites will be total
It will be a righteous act of judgment
v6-7 – there is no-one they can turn to
They had not relied on the living God
Ps 118 – “it is better to take refuge in the Lord”
Infact their comrades would rise up against them – v1
v8-9 – their wisdom cannot save them
Prov 8
Prov 16:18
The Edomites were a proud and arrogant nation
Gen 25:23
A harsh message from the Lord
Remember that the prophecy was delivered sometime after the nation of Israel was taken captive
The city and Temple of the Lord in ruins
The Edomites did not help Judah
The Edomites betrayed Judah and turned against them
They had seen who low Judah were brought, yet they were full of pride
Our society takes great pleasure in the fall of people
Edom took great pleasure in the destruction of Judah
Active violence
The prophecy of Gen 25:23 was fulfilled
Jacob was not perfect but Esau despised him
Edom were more concerned with their own worth rather than help Israel
Now they were to reap the rewards of their shameful behaviour
Edom should have learnt from the judgment that Judah received
God will not let this sin go unpunished
This is a preview of God’s great judgment upon this world
God’s justice will be achieved
The nation that delights in the suffering of God’s people will not last
The Edomites typify rebellion against God
Hope for those in Zion
A significant change v17-21
There will be great hope for all those found in Zion
They knew what it was like to be in judgment
Salvation promised to those who hold out
The promise made to Abraham would not be frustrated
We can see the fulfillment of these promises
This promise is to all
We are not the remnants of Judah or know any Edomites
We can apply these words to our lives
Gal 3:28-29
Rom 4:13
The descendants of Abraham will inherit the world
Not a geographical but an eternal possession
The kingdom shall be the Lord’s
Ps 22:27-28
There is great hope for those in Zion
Personal example
That which belongs to God is never lost
God is Sovereign
Dan 7:9
He turns the courses of nations according to His own will
No matter how chaotic our lives get – God is always in control
Pride is deceptive
It makes us think we are worthy of our own praise
It distorts all aspects of our lives
It challenges the sovereignty of God
God hates pride – v4
Do you recognise the pride in your life?
Proud individuals/nations will reap what they sow
God will not be our Shepherd
There will come a day of judgment – it is only those who are covered in the blood of the Lamb who will find their names written in the Book of Life
God has made a way of escape and salvation
Those who have turned from pride to the living God will have a home
Our salvation has been secured [in Jesus]
Recognise the great hole in your life
Do no try to secure your own salvation
Call out on the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour
Christians are those who have thrown themselves on the grace of God
The promise of grace
The path to eternal life is the Lord Jesus Christ
Closing Prayer