Putting on the Gospel Armour
Bible reading until 1:40
- Looking in detail at the six pieces of armour
- Not dealing with prayer tonight
- We need great balance when dealing with spiritual warfare
- We should not see the devil around every corner
- We should not blame our sin on the devil
- The Bible is balanced
- It does not say too much about the devil
- As Christians we are to fill our minds with Godly things
- There are dangers to over and under emphasise the devil
- He is a defeated foe
- There is not automatic victory over the devil
- "Lest him who thinks he stands take heed, lest he fall"
- The Christian life is described in various ways
- A daily walk
- Occasionally described as a fight or a race
- Here more of a war zone
- There is an "evil day" [v13]
- The Christian life is not a holiday
- This passage is suitable for all types of Christian
- The weak and doubting Christian - you have been given a complete armour
- The overconfident Christian - just stand in the Lord
- A word for all of us
- The six pieces of armour
- The first three mentioned as if they have already been put on
- Belt of truth
- Breastplate of righteousness
- Shod with the gospel of peace
- The last three must be taken up
- Shield of faith
- Helmet of Salvation
- The Sword of the Spirit
- The first three are essential things that we must have on at all times
- To be ever grounded in the word of God
- Trust in Christ
- The gospel of peace to undergird us
- The last three are things must be taken up when needed
- Daily must walk in faith
- Daily must hold onto the hope of salvation
- Daily must take up the sword of the Spirit
Belt of Truth
- Example of the Roman Soldier - a thick belt
- Essential for warfare
- The first point of reference is to be grounded in the word of God
- Read it
- Meditate upon it
- Understand the principles
- Apply it
- The first thing to overcome the devil's lies
- It speaks against false doctrines and ideologies
- It speaks to every area of life
- Understand where there can be differences, tolerance and unity
- The only piece of equipment to be mentioned twice
Breastplate of Righteousness
- The devil will attack your mind and feelings
- The breastplate covers the heart and the most vital organs
- We can lift up our heads through the righteousness of Christ
- His righteousness has covered all our sins
- Imputed righteousness
- Imparted righteousness
- 1 Thess 5:8 - "putting on the breastplate of faith and love"
Shod with the gospel of Peace
- The right shoes are an essential piece of equipment
- The Roman Soldier had a hob nail/half studded boot but lightweight
- It talks about readiness or preparedness - about stability and mobility
- Stability:
- We have peace with God
- This has come to us through the gospel of peace
- Therefore the enemy is rebuffed
- We know the peace of God
- It rules in our hearts and gives us stability in our Christian lives
- Mobility:
- The Church needs to be nimble footed
- When there are attacks upon the church we need to be there
- When we need to restore a brother we need to be there
- When someone is rebellious or opposed we must be there
- When there are attacks on unity we go back to the gospel
- The verse also surely reflects on evangelism
- Though there are those who would disagree (cf Rom 10)
- Whilst it is mainly about defence the Church must always be on the move
- Surely it is when we are on the move that we are attacked
- The apostle Paul knew when it was time to move on
- The apostles were instructed to shake the dust off their feet
Shield of Faith
- The Roman Shield was 4ft by 2ft, oblong and curved
- The soldier could stay behind the whole shield
- Made of metal but had leather daubed in oil to extinguish fiery arrows
- We are to "quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one" (v16)
- The devil stirs up passions from our old nature
- He would seek to stir us up to sin - he cannot make us sin
- If we sin it is our own responsibility
- It means to take God at His word
- Live a life of trust in Him
- Look to Him, honour Him, please Him
- Live a life of faith
- Consider the example of Jonathan and his armour bearer, David over Goliath, Paul
- Hebrews 11
- If we live in faith, we can overcome
- Abraham, Rahab
- 1 Cor 16:3
Helmet of Salvation
- 1 Thess 5:8 - it is the "hope of our salvation"
- The devil will come with doubts
- Remember God's promises
- John 10:27-28
- John 6:40
- Phil 1:6
The Sword of the Spirit
- A short sword for close combat
- Think of Christ in the wilderness and the close battle he had with the devil
- The devil [deliberately] misquotes scripture
- The word of God is living and powerful
- Prov 30:5
- 2 Tim 3:16
- Heb 4:12
- The Spirit of God helps us to understand the word of God
- He brings the word of God to mind when we need it
- Example of John MacArthur
- We never make comprises and truces when the enemy
- We do not back down
- We stand (v11)
- We withstand (v13)
- We stand (v13 & v14)
Closing Remarks
- The challenge for us is to put on the whole armour
- Apply the word of God to every situation
- With prayer God will give us grace to stand