Apologies for the clipping of the audio throughout the sermon
Bible Reading ends at 5:20
- We will be looking at Manasseh who was a very wicked King, but turned back to God
- This is an encouraging story
- There has been great political turmoil in the last few weeks
- We are called as Christians to pray for our leaders
- Manasseh lived in the 7th Century in the Southern Kingdom Judah
- North - the Kingdom of Israel with 10 tribes
- South - the Kingdom of Judah with 2 tribes
- Judah was more honourable than Israel
- In Israel there were only wicked kings
- In Judah there were 4 good kings out of 20 kings
- We will look at Manasseh in great depth
- How he was more wicked than all the other kings combined
- How he repented of his wickedness
- Overview:
- His Family
- His Reign
- His Conversion
His Family
- His grandfather was Ahaz
- He was very wicked and introduced child sacrifice
- There was a tremendous moral decline under his reign
- His father was Hezekiah
- Hezekiah did not follow in the footsteps of his father
- Hezekiah came to reign at the age of 25 for 29 years
- He was totally the opposite of his father
- He undid all the evil his father had done
- He was an upright man
- The people of God started to walk with God
- Became proud at the end of his life
- God brought a judgement but granted him 15 extra years of life
- His son Manasseh was born around this time
- What happened to Manasseh if he had such a godly father?
- Why should he so soon depart from God?
- He became a monster - 2 Kings 21:16 (cf the whole chapter)
- Was it the neglect of his father?
- Was it the influence of his mother?
- Was it 'in the genes'?
- They can never excuse wickedness and sin
- All are responsible for their morality and their actions
- Manasseh was born in sin (as we all are)
- Children need to be taught right from wrong
- Yet Manasseh had no excuse
- A reminder that we are responsible for our life
- Each person is responsible for their own life before God
His Reign
- Manasseh reigned for 55 years
- He rebuilt the high places [altars to the false gods] which Hezekiah had broken down (v3)
- More than this he set up altars in the Temple of the Lord
- This is an absolute afront to God
- Think of Jesus' reaction in the Gospels - "you have turned My Father's house into a den of inquitity"
- Â Manasseh was more wicked than all the other kings combined (v9)
- He doesn't turn God
- He turns to mediums, to witchcraft, to spiritists
- What about society today?
- There is restraint through God's common grace
- Our nation is becoming increasingly pagan
- Think of the opening of the new tunnel in Switzerland that cost 9 million Swiss Francs
- We have forgotten God
- We worship the 'creature' and not the creator
His Conversion
- What happened to Manasseh?
- God did not give up on him
- He spoke to Manasseh - but He would not listen (v10)
- God brought the Assyrians against him (v11)
- In prison Manasseh cries out to God and confesses the wickedness of his heart
- The Lord who is rich in mercy heard him
- Because Manasseh is converted he takes down the high places and commands the people to true worship
- This message of saving grace is found throughout the bible
- Saul - became Paul: a champion of the faith he once persecuted
- The religious person objects to this message for they think they are not in need
- Jesus tells the story of the Prodigal Son
- Summary of story
- When we return to God (whoever we are) He will receive us
- We all have the propensity to great wickedness
- God and all the angels rejoice over one sinner who repents
- There is wonderful love in the heart of the Father and the Son
- Turn back to Him