May 22, 2022

Psalm 23

Passage: Psalm 23:1-6
Service Type:


Do you ever find life hard?

Example of friend

Example of tweet

Human beings have not been designed for modern living

Examples of Covid and the Ukraine war

Example of the life of 21st century Christians and persecuted Christians

If you don’t believe in God – where is your source of help in hardship?

People can turn to the things of the world – but they are short-term
The Christian has the Person in Psalm 23

Psalm 23 – familiar words

A psalm of confidence and comforting images – examples
We should have confidence in the person

The Shepherd
The Host

The Shepherd

In Wales, we have 10 million sheep

The ancient shepherd is different to the modern shepherd

Yet they totally depend on their shepherd for food, water and protection
People in ancient times often talked about kings and shepherds – ruling justly and wisely

David saw God as his own King and Shepherd

The qualities of this Shepherd

God transcends the whole universe – but He has dealings with David on an individual level

The Lord – Yahweh (Ex 34:6)

The Lord is my Shepherd – v1

He cares not just for the collective but for the individual
Therefore, David will not be in want – he has everything that he will need
There is a completeness of God’s provision to David – food, water, rest

He restores my soul – v3

Not just physical but spiritual rest

He directs his paths – v3b

Ex 3:12

God’s care is not limited just to the good times but in dark times too – v4

God is with David every step of the way
The rod and staff provides divine protection/guidance and discipline – this is a comfort to David

Those in the Old Testament believed even though they had little ‘light’

What about us with the ‘light’ we have as New Testament believers
John 10:11, 14-16

Is Jesus your Shepherd?

Do you believe He laid down His life for you?
Do you know Him and follow His voice?
If so – then Psalm 23 is for you

Jesus has come to bring ‘life to the full’ – John 10:10

Jesus is all we will ever need
Phil 4:11-12
Isa 40:11 – He is the mighty warrior King who knows exactly how to deal with His sheep

Do you really love Jesus – is He more than life to you?

We are never alone with Jesus
Hold onto Him for He is holding onto you

The Host

We see the rich image of being at a banqueting tablet (v5-6)

David’s experience – he was ‘having the time of his life’ with the Lord
What is our experience of God?

There is intimacy between David and God

He is an honoured guest – he is anointed with oil
It is a victorious banquet
It is a lavish banquet – his cup runs over

Ps 16:5

This is not an isolated event – God’s blessings will follow him for all his days (v6)

Goodness and mercy will ‘pursue’ David all his life

He will dwell with God forever

His confidence runs into eternal life

The Old Testament believers only saw these things from a difference

We see things greatly multiplied this side of Calvary

Example of the Passover

We can step directly into the presence of God
We have 3 vanquished foes: death, sin and hell – explanation

The Christian’s cup overflows – have we normalised our blessings?

Do we ever really think about our salvation in Christ – and bowl us over?

It is all of Jesus

His love pursues us to the end
We are adopted into His family
1 Cor 13:12

Closing Remarks

This Psalm is for the Christian only

If you are not a Christian – do you want Him to be your Shepherd?
Do you want His blessings and protection?
Do you want to dwell in the house of the Lord forever?

You can have it all