May 29, 2022

The Powerful Presence of God

Passage: Ephesians 1:15-23, Psalm 114:1-8
Service Type:

Apologies for the reduced audio quality Introduction

Examples of the presence and the fear of God

What about the world?
What about the Church?

Ps 114 is about the powerful presence of God

May it stir us up

It is the second of the Hallel Psalms

He would have heard these Psalms many times
We know the Jews would sing Ps 113-114 as they ate the Passover meal
Scripture tells us they sang a hymn afterwards

What was going through Jesus mind?

It speaks of the exodus of the Jews
It speaks of the promised land – poetic and personified prose
It speaks of God’s presence

1 Cor 10:4

As Jesus read this – He knew that He was the one to fulfill these words
Overview – the powerful presence of God:

For us (v1)
In us (v2)
Throughout our journey / from beginning to end (v3-8)
In Jesus Christ

His presence for us (v1)

There is no mention of God’s presence in v1 – it might seem a ‘walk in the park’ but the Jews knew what this meant – after 400 years of oppression and bondage

Oppressed by Pharaoh
God had raised up Moses
Pharaoh hardened his heart
Eventually he let Israel go

The people came out of captivity

They would have 7 days of festivities once a year to remember this
They would celebrate the Passover and rejoice
They would remember what God had done for them

If the Jews still remember the Passover – is the Church rejoicing in the mighty presence of God who has done something far greater for us?

Jesus has set us free form sin – explanation of the work of Christ
It is God’s powerful presence that has saved us
Have you been saved from sin?
Are you under the grace of God?

What has the powerful presence of God done for you?

Have you been saved?
Has you life been changed? – example of language and your desires

We can celebrate every day what Christ has done for us

His presence in us (v2)

Not just for us, but in us
In the Old Testament – God dwelt in a certain place

Dwelling in the tabernacle – Ex 40:34-35
Then the Temple

Judah (the leading tribe of Israel) became His sanctuary

The Israelites became the dwelling place of God

Ex 19:5-6
Ex 33:14-15

God was them as a people – not just certain individuals like Moses or David
God was to be their King

This sounds like the New Testament

Eph 1:23 – the Church is God’s body

Do you think of God’s fullness?

Eph 2:21c-22
1 Peter 2:9-10
1 Cor 6:19

Do we pray for the peace and prosperity of the Church?
Do we take hold individually of what God is doing in us?

His presence from beginning to end (v3-8)

The sea saw God coming -v3

The parting of the waters was not a natural phenomenon – it was a miracle from God

God’s power is not short

The river Jordan parted

God’s power was with them at the beginning and the end

Was God not with you at your beginning?
Will God not be with you at the end of your journey?

Verses from song written by Vernon Higham
Trust in Him

Reading v4-6

The answer – is found in v7
Whatever we find in life – we can be sure that God is with us
v8 – God supplied water (by Moses) at the beginning and the end of the journey
We need to let the peace of God reign in our heart

His presence in Jesus Christ

Reading 1 Cor 10:3-4

The rock symbolised Christ

God provided for their every need – examples

John 7:37-38
Jesus provides us with living water
Do we murmur like the Israelites rather than receive the waters of living life?

Moses song – 3 times he mentions the rock – of Jesus Christ

The New Testament speaks of Peter as a rock
Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone of the Church
We have the parable of the house built upon the rock

Eph 1 – reminds us of the powerful presence of God in Jesus Christ

God can do exceedingly abundantly beyond what we can ask or think …

… by His power at work in the Church 

Do we experience the life giving waters of Christ?
Do we experience God’s power in our lives?
Do we share in the Lord’s communion table?

Closing Remarks

Do we tremble before the Lord?

Like Peter, like Isaiah

Know the presence of God and humble yourself before Him