Christianity on the March
Focusing on the sermon of Peter
Overview of the Book of Acts
Acts 1:8
Christianity on the March
Chapter 1 – links to the Gospel
v4 – the apostles speak in tongues
It stands up (v14-16)
Peter stands up with the eleven – a drastic change from before
Matt 26:74
The desertion of the apostles
Peter’s change
v14 – he raises his voice
He has remarkable authority
He deals with the mockery aimed at them
What has brought this drastic change?
v32 – the resurrection of Jesus Christ
Jesus was alive – He had beaten death proving it was the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world
Has the resurrection of Jesus Christ transformed our lives?
As Christians, we follow a risen Saviour
As Christians, we will be resurrected from the dead
1 Cor 15:20-22
1 Thess 4:16-18
Are we willing to stand for Him whatever the cost
They were all filled with the Holy Spirit
v4 – Peter and the other apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit
Do we desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit?
Do we desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit, that we might be better witness
Acts 4:8
It has confidence in the Bible (v16-21)
The people should not be surprised since this is foretold in the Old Testament
The Book of Joel (Joel 2:28-32)
God’s plan is bigger than anyone could ever think
The pouring out of the Holy Spirit on all people without distinction
They are living the promises of God as set out in the Old Testament
Quote from Matthew Henry
Peter trusts the bible
Do we trust the word of God?
Do we trust the bible is the very inerrant word of God
Eph 2:6
John 17:24
Are you skeptical of the truths of Scripture?
It has been proved time and again to be historically accurate
Example of Acts
Quotes from two different writers
Example of the 300 prophecies of the Lord Jesus Christ
People outside of the Church need to be told these truthes
Makes much of the death, resurrection and reign of King Jesus (v22-36)
Peter preaches Jesus
He starts with the historical facts
He makes the gospel personal by referring to the hearers – “you”
They make much of the death of Jesus (v23)
Not just an accident or a terrible tragedy but by God’s purpose and foreknowledge
This is God’s answer to the worlds greatest problem
Sin can be forgiven because Jesus died as an atoning sacrifice for sin so whoever believes in Him will have eternal life
They make much of the resurrection (v24)
Ps 16:8-11
David prophesying about Jesus Christ
Peter makes it clear that David is talking about Jesus
There were many witnesses of the resurrection (v32)
They make much of the ascension (v34-35)
Ps 110:1
David was not raised to heaven but Jesus was
v12 – Jesus was the answer to sin and now the Holy Spirit has been poured out
Do we make much of the death, resurrection and reign of King Jesus?
It tells the world to repent (v37-41)
The Holy Spirit is convicting the listeners of their sin – v37
They did not respond in offense but contrition
Quote from Matthew Henry
In order to be saved we need to see our sin and need for righteousness
We need to repent
Repentance is a change of heart and way
Quote from Matthew Henry
The gift of the Holy Spirit is for all (v38-39)