May 15, 2022

Decision Making and the Christian Conscience

Passage: Romans 14:14-23
Service Type:


Expanding last weeks theme in 1 Cor 8 – to bring some extra thoughts

How do we make decisions
How do we consider Christian conscience

Christians differ in grey areas

There are many things today that Christians disagree on
It doesn’t necessarily mean that one is sinner

Paul has said that an idol is nothing

Paul says that food cannot contaminate the soul
Paul warns you not to abuse your freedom – if it leads your brother to sin
Paul has a word for the person with the weak conscience and for those with a strong conscience

Focusing attention on v23

Reading v22 – be happy if your conscience does not condemn you
Reading v23 – if you act in a doubtful state, you sin

Be convinced in your heart that what you are doing in right
All that is not of faith, is sin – this is quite strong

Thinking about:

On what principles should Christian’s make decisions? – thematic teaching
What is the function of conscience?

Is it to the glory of God?

1 Cor 10:31
Helpful – it reminds us that our whole life is before God

There should be no divide between secular and spiritual – examples

Challenging – are these activities honouring God?

1 Cor 10:30 – do we thank God for our food?
1 Cor 10:32-33 – to consider our fellow man
Example of dress

Do we do all to the glory of God?

If we do not know the glory of God we can study together in fellowship
There is wisdom in the multitude of counsellors

What does the Bible say?


Are there Biblical principles?
Is it a moral command?
How would Jesus have acted?
Are there examples in Scripture?
Is it an area of personal freedom? – but pray for wisdom

1 Cor 10:20-22 – don’t touch things involved idol worship

This was a moral area

There are other moral areas in Scripture – examples
There are Biblical principles – examples
Do we try to find loopholes?

Rom 14:23 – we must not doubt, our conscience must be informed by Scripture

What about neutral areas?

1 Cor 6:12
Personal example
1 Cor 10:23
Ask – is this helping me?

What are the consequences of our decisions?

Think about other Christians – examples
Think about our family – examples
We are exhorted to be an example – 1 Tim 4:12, 1 Cor 11:1
Consider the advice of Proverbs – examples
We reap what we sow

How Christ like are our decisions?

Consider the example of Christ – examples
How much do we our consider our own needs?

Rom 15:1-3, Rom 14:15-19

In neutral areas

We are not to lord it over others

We ultimately stand before God

We must remember the above

Examples – money, leisure time, chores, etc

Act in Faith

Do not be double minded
Have a strong faith

Remember that God is sovereign in the affairs of men
The secret things belong to God but the things revealed in the Bible belong to us
Prov 3:5-6
Ps 37:4-5
Ps 32:8
Example of Jander

Closing Remarks