Psalm 139
- A favourite and beautiful Psalm
- Overview:
- v1-6
- v7-12
- v13-18
- v-19-24
- A brief dip into the Psalm (due to time constraints)
- David is facing a difficult situation
- Not clear what is happening in his life
- Comes out in the final paragraph
- We have pressures in our every day life
- This Psalm is about renewing David to go out and face this pressure
- Similar to how Jesus draws the disciples away for a while
- David is renewed by God
- Example of Kaupar and Rembrandt
- God is communicating something of Himself to David - different characteristics and attributes
How wonderful that God knows me (v1-6) / God's knowledge of him
- The UK makes up 1% of the worlds population
- We have 25% of the worlds CCTV
- ANPR - 17 billion images stored
- We are the most watched people - but God sees all
- David is aware that God watches
- God knows David
- God is digging down deep into his life, is sieving him
- God's knowledge of us is complete, exhaustive and perfect
- His acts
- His thoughts
- His words
- Even though we don't know what our words will be - God does
- To some this might be a threatening idea, to David it is wonderful knowledge (v6)
- Quote from CH Spurgeon
The presence of God (v7-12) / God's presence with him
- He thinks of theoretical scenarios in which he might be able to escape from God ...
- Not like people in society might think
- ... but it is impossible to escape the presence of God
- "I am with you always, even unto the very end of the age"
- Most striking: v11-12
- An extra thought
- Is there something so terrible, so traumatic that the light of God's presence cannot reach me?
- Can something so bad happen that God's presence would not reach us?
- Example of Weissel
- There is no situation where God's presence and His light do not shine
How wonderful that you made me (v13-18)
- David recognises that God has formed him
- An expression of Gods intimate design and purpose
- But God designed his life also
- The forming of David (v13) and his days (v16) happened in secret ...
- ... but it was seen by God
- His parents may not have known (for a time), but God knew
- God sees the invisible and is at work in the inaccessible
- Quote from hymn by William Cooper
- We could spend a long time on these verse, but I want us to see the main thrust of these verses
- The power of God working out His purpose throughout his life
- David's resolve:
- He wants to stand against all the stands against God
- He wants to bring himself to God (v23-24)
Closing Remarks