Blessed be His glorious Name
- A prayer of David
- Prophetically written by Solomon
- Inspired by God
- Do we really seek God in prayer?
- Do you really pray from the heart?
- This is where we have real communion with God
- David is praying for the righteousness of God to be revealed in the corrupt world
- He prays in a poetic form
- He prays for God to act in this world
- David is concerned for his successor (Solomon) but speaks beyond this of the Messiah's reign
- v7-8
- v11
- v15
- Many Christians believe this is speaking of a time of great blessing before Christ's return
- Some believe it speaks of a time of His return
- Some believe it speaks of a time after His return
- There is a day coming when He will come and all shall bow before
- Previously looked at v1-15
- v16: metaphoric language - blessing in a place you would least expect it!
- v17-19: Emphasis on the name of God and Jesus Christ
- His name (x3)
- Overview:
- What's in a name?
- Being blessed by that name
- Extolling that name
What's in a name?
- At Christmas time Jesus' name is heard more clearly throughout the world
- E.g. Christmas carols
- What does this name mean?
- Matt 1:21
- Jesus shall save His people from their sin
- He came from heaven
- His name meant Saviour
- Matt 1:23
- Immanuel
- This prophecy has now been fulfilled
- God with us
- Psalm 72: the name that will endure forever is the name of Jesus Christ
- There are so many names given to Jesus Christ
- Isaiah 9:6
- He is Wonderful
- Men lift up men - but there is only one who is truly glorious
- He is the great Counselor
- He is Mighty God
- He is the Everlasting Father
- He is the Prince of Peace
- He is a God of peace who has come to reconcile us
- Example from Grapevine magazine - the names of Jesus Christ
- He is the Lamb of God
- He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah
- In the Bible names often signify character
- Examples
- God's name always points to His character - the titles of God reveal His character
- El Shaddiah - Almighty God
- Jehovah Jeriah - The Lord will provide
- Jehovah Nissi - The Lord is our banner
- Jehovah Raphe - The Lord who heals
- Jehovah Tsidkenu - The Lord our righteousness
- Jehovah Shallom - The Lord our peace
- Jehovah Sabbaoth - The Lord of hosts
- Jehovah: the name of intimacy
- YHWH was considered too sacred to be spoken by the Israelites/Jews
- He is our Lord
- Jesus teaches people to address God as 'our Father'
- Can you address God like this?
- Do you know God as your Father?
- His name shall endure forever
- All the names of God are summed up in the person of Jesus Christ
- John 17 - Jesus had manifest God's name to His disciples
- Explanation
- Jesus is the express image of the Father
- Ex 34 - God proclaimed His name before Moses
- Merciful and gracious
- Jesus was merciful and gracious
- Jesus showed such patience and love towards Judas, the Pharisees, sinners (when on the cross)
- Jesus is all goodness - who never sinned in word, thought or deed
- Jesus who healed and raised the dead
- Jesus is the way, the truth and the life
- God forgives thousands of people - those who trust in the name of Jesus
- Moses also learnt that God would punish sin
- Those who reject Jesus Christ will suffer eternal punishment
- God is a Holy God
- His name shall endure forever
- Mini recap
- Do you know this Jesus Christ?
- Psalm 85:10
- Have you come to Jesus Christ?
- Psalm 9:10
- Have you trusted Him?
Being blessed by that name
- Read the gospels to see how many were blessed by the name of Jesus
- We could share testimonies from the church of those blessed by the name of Jesus
- We could share testimonies from the wide Christian community of those blessed by the name of Jesus
- Let us think of the beggar at the beautiful gate
- The beggar:
- Peter commanded a blessing/healing over the lame beggar
- Peter healed the man in the name of Jesus Christ
- The crowd rushed together and Peter preached in the name of Jesus Christ
- Peter called upon the crowds to repent and be converted
- What does it mean to be blessed by the name of Jesus?
- To have sins forgiven
- To go to heaven
- To know God as a friend
- To have peace with God
- The apostles preached in the name of Jesus
- The authorities tried to stop the apostles
- It is the name people hate
- It it the name through which all blessing comes
- We can only come to God in the name of Jesus Christ
- Have you been blessed in him?
- v17
- If you have, you will want to extol His name
Extolling that name
- All nations shall call Him blessed (v17)
- Remember the town of Samaria
- What a glorious glimpse he had of revival on the earth and of heaven
- The Apostle John had a glimpse of heaven
- Explanation
- His name will be extolled
Closing Remarks