Psalm 113
Mark 14
Starting in Mark 14 – reading about the Institution of the Lord’s Supper
v26 – they sang a hymn
Does a song go round your mind/get stuck in your head?
What was in Jesus’ head during the trial of Gethsemane and the crucifixion
What did he have to help Him?
Jesus is both God and man
v35-36 – Jesus prays
Example of Margaret Thatcher
How do we view Jesus Christ?
Does He change between human and divine?
We see Him recoiling in the Garden of Gethsemane
We cannot perform gymnastics with words
What did Jesus Christ have to sustain Him?
Everything He learnt was from the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit ministered to Him
Singing a hymn – the Holy Spirit ministering to Him
Psalms 113 – 118 would often be sung during the Passover meal
These Psalms were likely sung/read by Jesus
Example of Philip Ross
There is extra-revelation for us in these Psalms
1 Pet 1:10-12
Luke 22:22a
These songs/psalms were in a sense written for the Lord Jesus Christ
Psalm 113
We do not know the musical form of these psalms in Jesus’ day
Praise the Lord – v1
Praise His name
Consider the names of the Lord – e.g. Yahweh, Adonai, etc
Praise God for His attributes – e.g. justice, mercy
When something is revealed to you about God – praise Him
Praise unending – v2
The congregation and praise will never cease
Praise everywhere – v3
Praise will occur all over the world
Praise occurring in different countries
There will not be a corner of God’s creation – where He is not praised
Praise overriding – v4-5
There is no-one like God
Example of AW Tozer
God is above all creation
In His power, majesty, purity and holiness
Praise humbled – v6
God humbles Himself
He looks down
He is not distant from His creation
He has revealed Himself to sinful men and women
Jesus sings this Psalm – no-one who has sung this psalm is like God – except Jesus Christ
Col 2:9
Heb 1:3
Here is the revelation of God – v6
How low will He descend for His people? – v7
How low will He go? – all the way to the shame of the cross and take upon Himself the wrath of God
Jesus suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane
He comes to raise us out of the dust
He lifts us out of eternal death
He lifts us out of the ash heap
He does this to seat us with princes (v8) – this is a reassurance that He will be raised
Hope for all of God’s people too
We will be made heirs with Christ
The barren will be joyful – v8
Whatever you have lost – you will gain far greater
This is the promise to the Lord Jesus Christ
To be a Christian is costly
Closing Remarks