I Believe in the Resurrection
1 Cor 15 – a long chapter
If you want to understand about the resurrection – read this chapter
Paul is explaining the doctrine of the resurrection
He explains what it means if there was no resurrection from the dead
We would be most pitiable – still in our sins
He explains what it means to rise from the dead
The triumph of Christianity
The doctrine of the resurrection is fundamental
It is tragic when people deny the resurrection
Example of David Jenkins
To deny the resurrection:
Is to deny a God who can do all things and the deity of Christ
The testimony of the Bible and the words of Jesus Christ
Is to call Jesus Christ a liar and say His death was a failure
Is to call the Apostles liar and preaching a lie (why then would be they be martyred for something they preached)
Greek thought was creeping into the Church
They were saying the body is worthless and there is no resurrection
But if there was no resurrection, our faith if futile, there is no forgiveness of sin, those who die perish and we are most pitiable
Tonight looking at v1-11 – defending the doctrine of the resurrection
The witness of the Scriptures
The testimony of eye witnesses
The witness of changed lives
The witness of the Scriptures (v3-4)
The Scriptures
Paul delivers this which he has received – passing on that which Christ has taught him
He mentions the word Scripture twice – he is emphatic about this
Paul was an Apostle who received divine revelation (Gal 1:11-12)
Yes he learnt the Scriptures under Gamaliel
He spent 3 years in Arabia being taught by Jesus Christ (Gal 1:17)
Paul’s epistles were not written with a ‘New Testament’ in situ
For example the epistle to the Corinthians was written 25 years before the Gospel according to John
Paul’s reference to the Scriptures means the Old Testament
Old Testament references to Jesus
Isa 53:4-7 – explanation and reading
Jesus refers to Himself in the Old Testament
References to Jesus:
Types of Christ – example of Abraham & Issac
The doctrine of substitution
The sacrificial system
Reading Ps 16:10-11 (and explanation)
Reading Acts 2:29-31
Reading Acts 13:29-35
Prophecies about his death and burial
The devil seeks to twist Scripture but we can stand firm on the Scriptures
Although we can stumble in some parts of Scripture …
… we can trust Scripture
The testimony of eye witnesses (v5-7)
In a court of law testimony is given by eye witnesses
The testimony of women was discarded in the 1st Century
Yet the women were the first to see Jesus
Paul does not mention the women here but Cephas (Peter) and James
These two did not believe/had denied Christ
Peter was wonderfully restored
One who had denied Christ and one who was an unbeliever (John 7:5) saw Jesus
Then all the apostles saw Jesus (including His family)
500 witnesses
Some were still alive – the letter was written 20-25 years after the death of Jesus
These were a clear eye witness
Sift through the evidence yourself
The witness of changed lives (v8-11)
Concentrating on Paul and his biographical information
He is born out of due time – a sudden and dramatic conversion
He was thrown from his horse
He was blinded for three days
He did not eat or drink for 3 days
He had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ
He was baptised
He goes out to preach the faith he sought to destroy
He persecuted the Church of Jesus Christ
He felt so unworthy because of this
John 15:16
By God’s grace
Paul preached the gospel and people were saved (v1)
The proof that you are the children of God – if you continue to follow (v2)
God’s grace to Paul was not in vain (v10)
Believing reaps fruits of righteousness
Reading Heb 3:14
Reading Col 1:21-23
The people believed (v11)
Faith working through love
Starting and ending with faith – Christianity is not about works
If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth – you will be saved
This is God’s promise to you
Words of Jesus Christ
Do you believe this?
Do you believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life?
Recap and Closing Remarks