Christ’s Burial: Rich Provision
Considering the last few verses
The burial of Jesus Christ
We often hear of the death and resurrection – but not the burial
Quote from Paul
His burial was prophesied by Isaiah
The heart of the Gospel message is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ
Without this we would have no hope
Christ came to save sinners
Consider the word provision
Christ made no burial plans – but this was provided for Him
God is a God of provision
We will lack no good thing
God provides for creation and provides for us
Quote from Psalms
Jesus provided in times of great necessity
Water into wine
The feeding of the 5’000
Cooking the disciples a breakfast
Healing, raising a child from the dear
He made no provision for His own burial – although He spelled out His death
No funeral plans or arrangements
He trusted His heavenly Father
Overview: the provision of a new Tomb
A remarkable provision
A costly provision
A worthy provision
A Remarkable Provision
The Jews did not want Jesus’ death to occur on the Sabbath
Thus there was little time to prepare the body
Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body
Would Pilate have listened to someone other than Joseph of Arimathea?
He is a member of the Sanhedrin
He is influential
Yet is was the Sanhedrin who were instrumental in Jesus’ death
Jesus was not to be thrown with the other criminals
Nicodemus went with Joseph
Reading v50-52
He took the body (with Nicodemus) and placed it in the tomb
Example of God’s provision: Rahab, Moses, David, Elijah, Jesus
The most unusual of people in the most unusual of circumstances
Nothing is impossible with God
Fulfillment of Scripture
A Costly Provision
Joseph of Arimathea
It was a risk for Joseph of Arimathea to go to Pilate
He was a prominent council member
He took courage and went – even though people may have turned against Him
There is a testing delay
Reading Mark 15:44-45
Ps 34:20
After finding out from the Centurion Pilate granted the body to Joseph of Arimathea
Christianity is not easy
Jesus must be Lord of our life
He demands total devotion
He tells us to daily take up our cross and follow Him
Costly love
Joseph of Arimathea is now confessing Jesus openly
Mary shows her devotion with the anointing of Jesus
He gave his own tomb – Matthew 27:60
Have you thought about where you might be laid to rest?
He would have needed another tomb for himself
There was no mistaking the location of this tomb
Reading John 19:39-40
He gives so much
What does it cost us to follow Jesus Christ?
A Worthy Provision
The days of Jesus humiliation were over and the days of His exaltation were to begin
There was an indignity about death
Yet He was given power to lay down and to take up His life
This new tomb represents His exaltation
No-one was permitted to see it
A body that allowed Him to appear behind locked doors
He shows Himself for 40 days – His disciples and 500 others see Him
He is ascended into heaven, is reigning with God in heaven and He will come again
Isaiah 53:9
Christ rises from the dead
Closing Remarks
Reading v53-56
In order to fulfill Scripture Jesus had to rise on the third day
The women were not expecting this
The tomb was gloriously empty
The resurrection is the basis of Christianity
Consider the evidence – Christ has risen
Believe in Him, follow Him