A Time to Rebuild
We are involved in a spiritual battle
As we look at Haggai – God puts strength into His people
This chapter reminds that when the people of God are discouraged:
The Spirit of God can come and stir up the leaders/people of the Church
God’s people becomes obedient to the word of God
Things that weren’t happening before, stat to happen
Example of garden project
There is still much to do
It won’t conclude when it is grassed but the work will continue – to be used for the community
It is easy to become discouraged in Church life – examples
You don’t move forward or make steps in faith
Often goes with unbelief
Have you been discouraged in God’s work – examples
We do not ‘retire’ from God’s work, though work may change
The labourers are few
Tonight looking at Haggai 1
Not about prayer, preaching, holiness, evangelism – it is about building
Building of the temple – the restoration of corporate worship
There are different parts of God’s work – including vital background tasks
Many lessons we can learn
Prophesying in 536 BC
God’s people are discouraged – the work of God had stopped in 520BC and now it is 536BC
They had rebuilt an altar but no more due the oppression of the Samaritans
They gave up the work
A new king for the last 2 years
They were more concerned with building their own homes
Their priorities are wrong and the work of God had stopped
The Problem
Call to Repentance
The Work Restarts
God speaks to the people – v2, 3, 13 / God stirs up the spirit of Zerubbabel, Joshua and the people
If we are to be stirred up – we need God to speak to us in power
We also need to stir up the gifts given to us by God
The Problem
How might we diagnose problems?
We are to analyse ourselves
It is God who judges His people
The problem – worldliness, no connection with the people, problems with leadership, etc
God’s diagnosis – the people have lost a sense of the glory of God
Their own diagnosis – the people might not have seen this
Fear over Darius, the Samaritans, tiredness, not the right time
God’s diagnosis
They have become selfish and more concerned with their own security and home lives before God
We have a simple building where God is the focus
The building should not become shabby but honour God
What are our priorities?
God should be first in all areas of our lives – examples
Often we put ourselves first
Call to Repentance
Consider your ways – v5, 7
Evaluate your lives
‘Put your heart in the right direction’
Involves a change in mind
Results in action
They lacked
They had sown much but it was not a good crop
Food and drink was not satisfying them
There was not the wickedness as before the exile
Their priorities were wrong
The curse of Deuteronomy has fallen on them
Their clothing was not sufficient
They were losing out
Because they were looking to themselves
What are our priorities?
Are we holding back from God?
If not, God will hold back His blessing from us
The Work Restarts
The work restarting (v12-15)
The people must have felt rebuked
God speaks first to the leaders – they obeyed the word of God
God speaks to the people – they fear the presence of God
An encouragement
Example of first discouraging time
“I am with you”
God is with us – this enables us to go forward
God stirs up the people of all
This happens very quickly (cf v1 & v15)
The whole situation has changed in just over 3 weeks
We need to obey
John 14:21 – Those who love God obey Him
As we love Him, we know precious communion
Acts 5:32 – we have the Holy Spirit if we obey Him
We need to know God in a more power way amongst us
Closing Remarks
We have greater motive for seeking the kingdom of God
We see clearer than the people of the Old Testament
We look back to the cross
We need no altars
Our sins are removed from us and we are clothed in His righteousness
The building of His kingdom must be a priority
We must cry out to Him and pray to be stirred up
Let us continue in the works of God
Let us make it my / our work