Old Llantrisant Hill
- Quote from Spurgeon
- Example of Elizabeth
- Example of Zechariah
- Example of Simeon
- Three believers before the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus
- Example of others filled with the Holy Spirit
- In Acts 1 Jesus is giving the promise of the Holy Spirit
- Far greater than the above had experienced
- Overview:
- The Promise of the Spirit
- The Power of the Spirit
- Principles that apply to us
The Promise of the Spirit
- The disciples were transformed
- They had gone into the temple from the locked room
- They were not fearful
- They were bold
- Jesus gave them of the Holy Spirit and gave them insight
- On the day of Pentecost Peter preached with great insight and boldness
- They were to wait in Jerusalem
- About 40 days after Jesus was resurrected
- About 10 days after Jesus had ascended
- 120 were gathered in the upper room (v13-14)
- Filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost
- A fulfillment of a promise - the Book of Joel
- The Holy Spirit would only come in a permanent way once Jesus had ascended into heaven and been glorified
- The Holy Spirit will teach all things - He would be their teacher
- The Holy Spirit gave the apostles special revelation to write the Scriptures
- The Holy Spirit witnesses to Jesus Christ (v8)
- Luke 24:49
- A power to preach the Word of God with such boldness
- 3000 were saved when Peter preached
- The disciples will be baptised in the Holy Spirit (v5)
- Jesus was ushering in the Kingdom of God
- God was now near
- God's people were no longer an ethnic group but Jew and Gentile
- People saved in faith
- Pentecost is a unique event
- It was something new and something different
- Two mistakes to avoid:
- It cannot be repeated as it happened then
- Visible fire
- All given the gift of languages
- There can be no further outpourings of the Holy Spirit
- Acts 11:15-16
- Acts 3:19, 4:8
- The filling of the Holy Spirit comes on many occasions throughout the Acts of the Apostles (and Church History)
The Power of the Spirit
- The Holy Spirit was to come down in power and they were to receive this power
- To give an ability that they hadn't had before - to preach effectively
- The disciples were concerned for ethnic Israel
- Jesus rebuked them and wanted to them to consider the whole world (v8)
- Two trains of thought:
- Jesus is not denying the restoration of ethnic Israel
- Jesus is saying that there is one Church - Jew and Gentile
- What we can say:
- Jesus' concern is that His disciples would do the work of evangelising the world
- Our task is to evangelise the world - to take out the gospel
- These men had a bad track record - little faith
- Likely 7 were fisherman
- Uneducated
- Failures in many ways
- Yet Jesus had chosen them to be a witness to Him
- They were empowered to witness
- Jesus did not start His ministry without being baptised by John, going into the wilderness and returning in the power of the Spirit
- Jesus was anointed in order to preach the gospel
- Quote from John MacArthur
Principles that apply to us
- As Christians we have the Spirit of God living in us - He is for us, to do the works of God
- Are we living in step with the Holy Spirit or do we grieve Him?
- Do we live and walk in the Spirit?
- Do we ask God to fill us with the Spirit?
- Quote from Spurgeon
- Ask, seek, knock
- Do we have Spirit filled ministers teaching us?
- The Holy Spirit is promised to believers if we ask
- The disciples received the Holy Spirit
- False teaching: we will not evangelise and preach unless we have the Holy Spirit
- Often the Holy Spirit quickens us as we evangelise and preach
- If we want to flourish as a church, we need to know more of the power of God in our lives
- We must pray for each other
- Example within the fellowship
- We must pray to be individually used by God