Praying from the Heart
Reading v8-11
Has a fellow Christian said they are ‘praying for you’
Have you been asked ‘how can I pray for you?’
To spend some time this evening focusing on prayer
Paul’s letters come from his prayerful ministry
Paul had a towering intellect and spoke many languages
Paul was such an incredible teacher
Yet his life and ministry was drenched in prayer
Paul asks for people’s prayer
Paul knew the power and need of prayer
There is a wider generality of this letter
Not just a clear topic like Romans or Galatians
Paul is writing by and large to a happy church
Yet Paul starts by telling the Philippians he is praying for them
He is likely in prison – praying from prison
This shows the sufficiency of time in every place and circumstance
It is an example of the power of prayer
It is about perseverance in prayer
He is praying for the purpose of the Philippians to be strong/mature believers
How Paul prayed
What Paul prayed
Why Paul prayed
How Paul prayed
With sincere heart’s desire
With great joy (v3)
With deep affection (v8)
From my bowels – from the centre of my being / the depths of my emotions
Why is this important?
He is praying for the Philippians as he knows that God cares for him
The "tender mercies of God" in the Gospel of Luke – Elizabeth and Zacharias (1:78)
Paul has the same concern for the Philippians
It is not automatic for Christians to show such empathy towards fellow believers
Do not restrict your affections towards believers – 1 John 3:17, 2 Cor 6
You are in my heart (v7)
Is there any believer that you do not have in your heart?
Pray for them – from the heart
2 Tim 2:22 – call on the Lord from a pure heart
What Paul prayed
We are often good at praying for a need
What should we pray for fellow believers?
Paul prays for spiritual maturity
Paul is praying Jesus high priestly prayer (from John 17)
You are partakers of grace (v7) – grow in grace
There is no growth without prayer
Not to be immersed in theology or spiritual gifts – but love (v9)
We are called to love one another
Love is not static but needs to grow – so Paul prays for this
Not just love, but in knowledge and insight
An experimental because of what it knows and has known
It grows as our experience and knowledge of God grows
Love + knowledge = essential for Christian living
Paul prays that both would increase
Christian love is for all people but yet discerns and sees things are they really are
Not just love, but in discernment
To test what is good, right, helpful and proper
To approve the things that are excellent
We need to show love with knowledge and discernment all the more in today’s society
Paul prays this for believers – because he knows this is what we need
Why Paul prayed
For God’s glory (v11)
A present manifestation: the fruits of righteousness
In your life right now
You are complete but praying for more and more fruit
A future manifestation: until the day of Christ (v10)
A long-term view
The Day of Christ – Paul references this multiple times – Phil 1:6, 10; 2:9-11,16, 3:20, 4:5
Do you know you are safe in this day?
Are you ready for this day?
Do we pray for our fellow believers to be ready for this day?
Pray for this
Closing Prayer