Being a Disciple (Part 2)
Are you a disciple of Jesus Christ?
One who follows
We have started looking at the life of Simon Peter
We have seen how he began as a disciple
We have seen his encounter with the grace of Jesus
We have seen his encounter with holiness of Jesus
This is how all disciples begin – an encounter with the grace and holiness of Jesus
Have you had this encounter?
Have you recognised your sinfulness?
Have you seen that there is someone to forgive you and establish you?
Looking at part 2 of being a disciple
Peter had a lot to learn – his life was full of ups and downs – examples
As Christians – we have a lot to learn, we have highs and lows
Last week:
His special life calling: to be a fisher of men/evangelist (fulfilled in Acts 1-12)
He was called as an apostle
He had an intimacy with Jesus – examples
This morning:
Discovering your own heart
Discovering the secrets of walking with Jesus
To look a number of passages in Matthew
2 Pet 3:18 – growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Every Christian needs to grow
Discovering your own heart
Simon Peter first discovered his own sinfulness – in the presence of glory and majesty
Like Isaiah
When we spend time with God – we discover our sinfulness
He would never forget this episode of walking on water
The Lord Jesus comes walking on the water
Jesus speaks wonderful words – "Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid." (v27)
Ps 46:1
Simon Peter is still afraid
What does he do? – he wants to go to a place of safety
He knows the command of Jesus Christ is powerful – example
A miracle takes place – he begins to walk on water, but then begins to sink
"O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" – Jesus is calling him to faith
Lesson: do not be dictated by your fears and doubts
The Lord Jesus understands this
We are not to just concentrate on circumstances around us
Don’t let your fears and emotions control you
What was he learning about his own heart?
He was not as strong as he thought
We need to ask for faith
Matt 16:13-23
A divine revelation that Jesus is the Son of God
He was given the keys to the kingdom
He did unlock the faith to many people – e.g. Pentecost, Cornelius
But shortly after – Simon Peter rebukes Jesus over his death and resurrection
Jesus’ response – "Get behind Me, satan!"
Simon was to be a mouthpiece for God, but he could also be a mouthpiece of satan
Peter was learning about his heart
Human pride – to take Jesus aside and rebuke Him
Our ‘noble’ thoughts and intentions – may be of the devil
Can we sometimes be guilty of speaking the words of the devil instead of the words of God
Christ came to unify, the devil to divide
None of his failings are moral or of deliberate attempt to harm
Yet even our good intentions might not be the will of God
Matt 26:31-34
Peter did not understand his own weakness
He was willing to die for Jesus – example
Yet he did not realise his own weakness
He was unable to watch and pray
He was not listening when it was prophesied that all would fall away
He was undone by a servant girl
Yet Peter was transformed – boldness, humble, dependent
He had a lot to learn about his heart
Do not be discourage in learning about your own heart
Keep your eyes on Jesus
Discovering the secrets of walking with Jesus
A new heart – Jesus told a parable about the things that came from the heart
Matt 18:21-22 – forgiving others
Ours sins are forgiven
We should continuously forgive others with no limit
The position of our heart – should always be to liberate forgiveness
Do we hold grudges or are we generous and kind like God?
Matt 17:24-27 – submitting to the will of God
Peter had seen Jesus pay the temple tax but questioned the need due to corruption and the fact that Jesus was King
Peter was free not to pay the tax, but Jesus said it should be paid to avoid offence
Jesus is teaching the principle of submission
Matt 19:23-30 – live for eternity
God is able to change the heart to make it generous and kind
We need to store up riches in heaven
We are not to live for this world/material gain but to live for Christ and use the things we have for Him
We may need to give up things in this world for Jesus
Closing Remarks
Without Jesus – he could do nothing
More than anything – we need Jesus
Without Jesus – there is a lost eternity
With Jesus – we go to heaven
As we learn about our heart and the secrets of kingdom life – depend on Jesus