June 5, 2023

Fear Not Little Flock

Passage: Luke 12:13-34
Service Type:


Focusing on v32
Quote from Bill Bryson – "Joyous consumerism is a well of diminishing returns"
Writing about our modern generation

It brings comforts … but problems

Issues still relevant from Jesus’ time

Jesus is teaching and yet someone calls out with a worry about his material wellbeing (v13)
Christians have a walk of faith through a world of materialism
Hence Jesus offers these words: "Do not fear little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom" (v32)

This in the lens we should live through

Overview: three points

Something very personal

The Lord Jesus Christ is lovingly addresses His people – "Little flock"

This is the only time He uses this term
He usually uses "little children"

Why this phrase?

v30 – in contrast to the nations of the world
It is a term of endearment

Example of son
Jesus is reminding His people of the love and concern He has for them

It is a unique term with its foundations in the Old Testament

The King was a shepherd and the people were the sheep

Ps 77:20

Jesus addresses His followers as the Good Shepherd

Isa 40
He is to lay down His life for His sheep, they will hear His voice and follow Him

This should be a wonderful encouragement to us

Christianity is not confined to church
Jesus tells us He will walk with us all our days
We cannot phantom Jesus’ love for us in our circumstances

A Perspective

Jesus gives a perspective to alleviate our anxiety and fears

Jesus puts the outburst from v13 into perspective
Quote from Song ‘Lord for the Years’

There is something about material wealth that is unsatisfying – because of who we are and what we are made for

We were made for God – to enjoy Him and be loved by Him

The person of v13 is displaying anxiety and worry for material positions

As a society, we often worry about the wrong things
Jesus does not want believers to live in this way
Jesus’ examples – the lilies, the birds

Our lives do not "consist in the abundance of the things he possesses"

We would probably all agree with this
Do we really believe and live it?

Jesus teaches a parable

Society wants to build bigger barns and accumulate more things
Our soul is more important


Jesus wants us to realistic about our Christianity

We live in a material world but need to get things into perspective

What priority do we put on and seek material things?

Jesus encourages us

He holds us
He provides for the sparrows, He will provide for us

A Promise

A promise rich in comfort and hope

"It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom" (v32)

Someone has said there are 7474 promises in the Scriptures

The Bible is full of promises
Here is a promise about material things

Good "pleasure"

Meaning to think well of / approve of – and want to give them good things
God finds pleasure in Himself as a supreme being
God finds pleasure in His creation
God also finds pleasure in providing for believers
God finds pleasure/is well pleased with His Son

If we are in Jesus – God has pleasure in us, because He has pleasure in His Son

God has the power to provide for us

God has given us His Son – the Lord Jesus

Therefore, there is nothing He will not give us

There is permanence to His promise

We will share with Him in the Kingdom

Closing Remarks

A little flock – with a great promise
An enduring nature – beyond the temporary material

Quote from Author

As we go into the world – don’t let material issues overwhelm your destiny as a follower of Jesus

God gives us the Kingdom
We are part of something so certain and so vast – do not worry about material needs

Remember God’s promise

Closing Prayer