Paul’s Boasting
Thinking about Paul’s boasting
The word boast – used 29 times (sometimes translated glory) in 2 Corinthians
The word boast – appears 55 times in the New Testament
Why used so much?
He is facing people who are very boastful
He takes to boasts
In weakness, tribulations, in the Corinthians (and in his authority – though this is limited)
He has lived an upright life in Christ
Are we proud about ourselves?
Are we proud about others?
Does pride turn into boastfulness?
Do we speak clearly of the positive things?
Paul had no difficulty to boast in God – 2 Cor 7:13-14, 2 Cor 9:2
Are we too reserved?
Paul wants to counter those boasting in the wrong way
2 Cor 5:12 – so called super-apostles
2 Cor 10:7
His boast in a clear conscience
His boast in the Corinthians
His boast in his own weakness
His boast in his authority under God
His boast in God
His boast in a clear conscience
2 Cor 1:12 – they were sincere and transparent
There were accusations against Paul:
That he was hiding things/sin
2 Cor 4:2 – Sometimes things in secret come out – example
2 Cor 5:9 – Paul’s aim was to be (well) pleasing to God
2 Cor 5:10-11 – A good conscience
That he was deceptive
People are gullible – example
2 Cor 4:2 – Paul was not walking in craftiness
2 Cor 2:17 – Paul was not peddling the word of God
People should be in ministry for the love of people
2 Cor 11:8-10 – Not monetary award but finances to cover costs
That he twists the word of God
2 Cor 4:2 – Paul ministered the truth in a clear conscience
Ministers must faithfully present the word of God
Paul does not ask others to speak on his behalf – examples
He stands up against those who accuse him and speaks truth
His boast in the Corinthians
Last week we saw there was much that troubled him about the Corinthians – examples
There may have been a minority opposed to him
There was likely a majority in his favour
2 Cor 1:13-14 – Paul boasts in his relationship with the Corinthians
2 Cor 3:1-3 – the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit was evident in the lives of the Corinthians
2 Cor 5:11
2 Cor 8:24 – Paul boasts in the Corinthians
We need to hear these encouragements
His boast in his own weakness
Paul does not boast in his strength
2 Cor 3:4-5 – his boast is in the Lord
2 Cor 12:7-9 – he embraces his weakness
Paul has learnt to embrace infirmity
Others were boasting in their strength
2 Cor 11:30 – he is bless in his suffering
Will we learn to embrace and trust God in our suffering?
His boast in his authority under God
Paul does have a sphere of authority – his work in Corinth
(This was not the work of the so called super-apostles)
2 Cor 10:8 – for their edification
2 Cor 10:13-16 – their own area of authority in preaching the gospel in Corinthians
2 Cor 10:17 – if we glory, glory in the Lord
Example of Tim Keller – Quote from Paul Trip
His boast in God
2 Cor 5:12
How much do we glory in the Lord / boast in Him?
At home
In Church
Boast only in the Lord