Last week we looked at the first prayer of Paul (1:1-15)
The second prayer of Paul (3:14-21)
A very sublime prayer
An awesome prayer
Remember that Paul is prison
He is not murmuring but brimming with the love of God
He wants the Christians to know a mighty strengthening within
No matter what your circumstances you can pray for others
This must be a tremendous encouragement to those who are in prison, who cannot preach to their flock, those who are sick or cannot go out, those who are of old age
This is an encouragement to all Christians that have some circumstance curtailing them
Prayer was never a last resort
Prayer was essential to his work
He was called to prayer and to preaching
In witnessing we show love, build up a relationship, teach them the scriptures - but it is to no avail unless we pray
Quote from Lloyd-Jones
A Reason to Pray
In Deep Gratitude - Salvation of the Gentiles
"For this reason" (v14)
cf 3:1 and then going off on a tangent as he is caught up in telling the Ephesians of the wonderful call of God upon his life
Paul returns to what he was going to say
Thinking back to Chapter 2 - the people who were once aliens and strangers are now in fellowship with the Jews and part of one body
For this staggering truth Paul bows the knee to God and Jesus Christ
He is full of gratitude, deep thankfulness and love for what God has chosen to do
He is living in an end of the age
The Holy Spirit has come
God has saved in many places and countries
It is hard for us to grasp what this meant
Think about Palestinian Christians
Two groups that seemed to be enemies for years
Two groups reconciled together in Christ
What is the reason for us to pray?
Do we rush into prayer?
Do we go with thanksgiving?
Do we present a shopping list?
It is always good to meditate and read the Bible before you pray
We need to bow the knee in general reverence and awe
A Vast Family
Paul is staggered that he and the Ephesian Christians are part of a vast family
(Perhaps Paul is thinking of the angels)
Paul is proud of the fact that they belong to such a great company of God
We were thinking about this in the morning
Do we pray just for our family/situation?
Do we remember that we are joining with the saints and angels to praise God?
Do we pray for missionaries and those far away from us?
Attending a prayer meeting allows us to know more about our missionaries
We should always remember others
We hear other believers pray and it helps us to pray
Personal Example
The General Nature of the Prayer
The prayer begins with worship
The core of the prayer is a petition
He prays that we would be strengthened
That Christ may dwell in our hearts
Some people are confused over this
Paul is praying for Christians
Paul teaches that the body is a temple of the Holy Spirit
Consider 2:22
In conversion the Holy Spirit has come to live in every believer
God is Spirit and is not limited [by physical dimensions]
We can know more of the power of God by His Spirit
Some believers have known this in amazing ways
E.g. D.L. Moody, Whitfield, Spurgeon, Jonathon Edwards, the Apostle Paul
That all might be able to comprehend the love of God - "what is the width and length and depth and height— to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge" (v18-19)
To become Christians so bold that they would know that God can do exceedingly abundantly
To pray for physical needs is not wrong but the main thing in prayer is to remember the spiritual needs of our brothers and sisters
For if they seek first the kingdom of God, all other things will be added to them
The First Petition
Petition 1 (v16)/Petition 2 (v17)
They are linked but also separate
Paul knew that Christians often felt weak, were plagued by doubts and troubles
Jesus' rebuke to the disciples: 'You of little faith'
Often we can tie ourselves in knots instead of simply trusting in God
We are often fearful and worried - we need that strengthening in the inner man
Out of our heart flow the battles of life (in the inner person)
The heart is often willing but the flesh weak - we need help to overcome
External religion will not help
The inner man is being renewed day by day
Paul knew that there was no lack in God
The strengthening usually happens through the word of God
As applied by the Holy Spirit
As we meditate upon God and His word
Sometimes the Spirit interacts directly: maybe a quickening, knowing the power of the Spirit
Song: 'Holy Spirit living breath of God'
Example of George Whitfield
God can do more than we can ask or imagine
Pray this strength: not just for the day but that in our character we may be more like Christ