Old Llantrisant Hill
- Concentrating on 13:1-3
- Following on from 12:28-29
- What is the connection between these two:
- 'Serving God with reverence and godly fear' and showing 'brotherly love, entertaining the stranger, being concerned for the prisoner of Christ'?
- God as a 'consuming fire' and loving purity?
- 12:28-29
- We often think of this as worship - our eyes are lifted up to glory
- Example of preacher from Northern Ireland
- It refers not just to worship but the whole of our life - "serving God"
- We see a clear connection
Love the Brethren (v1)
- Let brotherly love continue
- They already loved one another
- The word continue can be very helpful
- 6:10 - an example of their love
- They ministered to one another
- They did it for the sake of Christ
- 10:32-33
- They loved even during persecution in the early days
- Don't grow cold or get bitter
- If Christian love should continue, it means that it can stop
- Perhaps by squabbles over secondary matters (not prime doctrine)
- Being hurt by an unkind word
- Failure to forgive
- Acting selfishly or unthoughtfully
- Don't just give people the name brother but really love them
- Example of footballer
- Think of blood links and family and how this is even more true in the church/family of God
- Phileo: Fraternal love, a bond, affection, friendship, partnership, fondness
- This love is as much a command as to keep the marriage pure (v4)
- The church needs to speak loudly about the love
- There is nothing more relevant that this
- If you really love people feel accepted
- Many verses in the New Testament mention love (in nearly every letter)
- 1 Pet 5:8
- Col 3:14
- 1 Cor 12:31-13:2
- Gal 5:13-14
- Rom 12:10
- If we would serve God acceptably and with reverence and godly fear we must love
Love Strangers (v2)
- Is this talking about any strangers or Christian strangers?
- Not just talking about Christians but all people
- Lev 19:33-34
- Deut 15:7-8
- Isa 58:6-7
- This is a great challenge
- Not just the responsibility of those gifted in those areas
- We are all to be given to hospitality (Rom 12)
- Example of early Christians from AD125
- Not to hide behind excuses
- This starts within the church
- You may entertain angels
- You are more blessed by giving than receiving
- E.g. Abraham, Lot, Manoah, the two on the road to Emmaus
- Example of the lady
- Jesus said: whatever you have done for these, you have done it for me: Matt 25:35
- Christian hospitality: what does it mean to serve God with reverence and godly fear?
Love the Persecuted (v3)
- It can be more difficult to connect with those we have never seen
- What does it mean to be in prison?
- When we think about this and begin to emphasis - then we pray
- Example of John Bunion
- Example of Trevor MacDonald
- Example of prison and Daylight ministries
- Practical examples
- The persecuted church: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Eritrea, Nigeria, etc
- We should never say 'am I my brother's keeper?'
- We have a responsibility towards our brothers and sisters
Closing Remarks
- What does it mean to serve God with reverence and godly fear?
- Showing brotherly love
- Extending the love of hospitality
- Showing love to those who are prisoners for Christ