Old Llantrisant Hill
- The journey to Bethlehem is only half the story
- The shepherds came to the stable in faith
- Later on when Jesus was a child, the wise men visited
- They all worshiped before the infant Christ
- We do not worship before an infant today but the Lord of all
- We worship one who became man but is enthroned in heaven
- Overview
- Mary and Joseph
- The Shepherds
- The Wise Men
Mary and Joseph
- What would it have meant for their journey
- The would have passed various landmarks
- It was not easy - no family was with them
- They were betrothed but there was no marriage ceremony
- She was 9 months pregnant
- It was a long journey, not without danger
- On arrival they discovered no room in the inn
- What was going through their mind?
- Only a stable or a cave - a place where the animals were
- The Son of God was to be born in lowly and mean circumstances
- It was difficult for them
- This pattern in Mary and Joseph was mirrored in Jesus Christ
- Yet God was orchestrating all of the events
- A census by Caesar Augutus - but delayed by 2-4 years
- Prophecy fulfilled:
- The prophecy in Micah
- The prophecy in Samuel
- The prophecy in Isaiah
- Three prophecies of the Old Testament: born in Bethlehem, of the house of David, born of a virgin
- The city of David can mean Jerusalem but also Bethlehem
- Brought forth their son
- Their path to the manger was a difficult, hard path
- Illustration
- God's perfect plan
- Are you seeking Jesus this morning?
- Do not let obstacles and difficulties put you off
- The Bible says if you seek God will all your heart you will find Him
The Shepherds
- Their path to the manager was very different
- No long journey
- No barriers
- No need to fear the scorn of others
- Jewish shepherds - on the lowest rung of society
- A mean but not unworthy profession - Moses and David were shepherds
- God chooses these lowly men
- God dispatches angels from heaven
- We cannot imagine what the scene was like
- God's glory was manifested - this is often terrifying
- They were greatly afraid but "good tidings of great joy" was to them and all people
- The angels praise God
- The angels are full of jubilation
- God chooses the "poor of this world to be rich in faith" - James
- 1 Cor 1:26
- Simple shepherds are the first to be called
- Not the scribes, Herod or other powerful or important people
- This should encourage us
- This good news is for us
- The shepherds went quickly in faith
- Are you full of questions or do you have faith?
- The shepherds' faith was strengthened - 2:17,20
- Quote from J.C. Ryle
The Wise Men
- Were the wise men able to read the numbers in Daniel, what was the star?
- We are not told
- We are told that God intervened in history
- Likely intellectual and intelligent
- However, their intelligence and logic did not take them to the right place - the went to Herod
- In God's providence they heard the Scriptures from the wise Jews
- The word of God/the revelation of Scripture led the wise men to the right place
- The wise Jews who had the Scriptures
- Did not go to see the Christ
- This is true of many today who have a bible in their homes or hear preaching
- There are others who have little opportunity to hear the things of God - yet they come to the right place and worship
- What about you?
- You have the natural revelation of the universe
- You have a conscience and personality
- You have a bible in your language - the truth of God's word
- Have you responded to it?
- Despite all the opposition, the Lord led them to the right place
- Will you believe?
- Will you read the Scriptures?
Jesus' Journey
- What did it mean for the eternal Son of God to step out of heaven and come to earth?
- Love: the amazing love of God for sinners
- John 3:16
- That Jesus Christ should humble Himself so much
- To give His perfect spotless life as an atonement for sin
- That we through His poverty might become rich
- Would you reject the riches of God offered in Christ Jesus?
- Do not be a stranger but know the fellowship of God
- Do not be a fool and reject the Lord Jesus Christ